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2024-2025 Course Proposals

Course proposals submitted for review by the University Curriculum Subcommittee in the 2024-2025 Academic Year are compiled into lists by date of acceptance:

  • List 1 (proposals accepted until August 23, 2024 for the September 10 meeting of the Subcommittee)
  • List 2 (proposals accepted until September 20, 2024 for the October 8 meeting of the Subcommittee)
  • List 3 (proposals accepted until October 25, 2024 for the November 12 meeting of the Subcommittee)
  • List 4 (proposals accepted until January 24, 2025 for the February 11 meeting of the Subcommittee)
  • List 5 (proposals accepted until February 21, 2025 for the March 11 meeting of the Subcommittee)
  • List 6 (proposals accepted until March 21, 2025 for the April 8 meeting of the Subcommittee)

The Curriculum Subcommittee will meet via Zoom during the 2024-2025 Academic Year. The Zoom Link for all meetings is:

List 1

College of Arts & Letters:

ARCH 138A: Architectural Rendering I

ARCH 185: Pro Practice - Architecture Career Preparation

ARCH 195: Architecture Internship

DSGN 101: World Design and Visual Culture

COMS 164: Visual Communication

COMS 167: Systems and Theories of Rhetoric

COMS 168: Approaches to Rhetorical Criticism

COMS 169: Television Criticism

HRS 178B: Non-Violence in India's Religions

MUSC 185: Senior Recital

College of Business:

MSBA 295: Internship in Business Analytics

MSBA 500: Culminating Experience Advanced Topics in Business Analytics

College of Engineering & Computer Science:

ENGR 106: Energy and Modern Life

College of Health & Human Services:

BIO 107: Gastrointestinal Physiology

BIO 156: Food Microbiology

CHEM 134: Principles and Applications of Mass Spectrometry

CHEM 234: Principles and Applications of Mass Spectrometry

CRJ 153: Advanced Criminal Investigation

CRJ 169: Emergency Management

CSAD 129: Audiometry and Hearing Screening for School Nurses

CSAD 130: Introduction to Audiology

CSAD 229A: Practice: Speech Disorders I

CSAD 229B: Practice: Speech Disorders II

CSAD 229C: Practice: Speech Disorders III

CSAD 243A: Practice: Language Disorders I

CSAD 243B: Practice: Language Disorders II

CSAD 243C: Practice: Language Disorders III

CSAD 245: Practice: Speech -- Language Assessment

CSAD 620C: Audiology Clinic II

CSAD 630C: Audiology Clinic III

CSAD 640C: Audiology Clinic IV

GEOG 143: Environmental Hazards and Society

HLTH 6: Medical Terminology for Health Professions

HLTH 100: Introduction to Health Science

HLTH 140: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Healthcare

HLTH 175: Neurodiversity

PHYS 107: Conceptual Physics and Scientific Inquiry

SWRK 146: Forensic Social Work with Adults

SWRK 245: Death, Grief And Growth

SWRK 246: Forensic Social Work with Adults

College of Social Sciences & Interdisciplinary Studies:

ECON 184: Economics of the Household

ENVS 150: Soil Science and Sustainability

PSYC 195A: Fieldwork in the Teaching of Psychology

Special Projects:

HONR 8: Honors Environmental Science

HONR 102: Art and the Public Good

List 2

College of Arts and Letters

DSGN 130: Design Research Methods
DSGN 150: Contemporary Topics in Design
ARCH 153: Building Regulations, Life Safety, and Accessibility
ARCH 157: Building Envelope: Materials, Systems, and Assemblies
ARCH 159: MEP Systems and Building Performance Analysis
ENGL 61: Reading Rhetorically

College of Education

EDC 120: Impact of SUD on Family Dynamics
EDC 158: Trauma Informed Care
EDC 212: Gender and Sexuality in Counseling
EDLP 500A: Master of Arts Thesis/Project
EDC 110: Psychopharmacology, Health, Illness, and Communicable Diseases
EDC 115: Case Management & Documentation
EDC 140: Prevention, Intervention, Treatment, & Recovery
EDC 169: Field Study & Seminar I
EDC 170: Field Study & Seminar II
EDC 216: Counseling Theory
EDC 240A: Medical & Psychosocial Aspects of Disability
EDC 477: Supervision in Play TherapyEDLP 500A: Master of Arts Thesis/Project
EDLP 500B: Master of Arts Thesis/Project
EDC 100: Group Counseling Skills
EDC 231: Diagnosis and Treatment Planning
EDC 235: Advanced Seminar: Marriage and Family Counseling
EDC 244: Trauma and Crisis Counseling
EDC 254: Counseling and Psychotropic Medicine
EDC 30: Introduction to Substance Use and Addiction Counseling
EDC 40: Introduction to Counseling Skills: Theories & Techniques
EDC 50: Law and Ethics in Substance Use Counseling
EDC 60: Addiction Counseling Skills & Motivational Interviewing
EDUC 127A: Field Experience in After School STEM Programs
EDUC 175A: Pedagogy and Academic Language Skills in Spanish for Bilingual Educators (Multiple Subjects)
EDUC 175B: Pedagogy and Academic Language Skills in Spanish for Bilingual Educators (Single Subject)
EDSS 394: Advanced Strategies for the CTE Classroom
DEAF 57: ASL Classifiers
EDUC 160: Urban EducationEDUC 127A: Field Experience in After School STEM Programs
EDUC 127B: Field Experience in After School STEM Programs: Practicum

College of Health and Human Services

CRJ 129A: Law School Readiness: Preparing for Law School and a Legal Career
CRJ 129B: Law School Readiness: Becoming a Successful Law School Applicant
CRJ 129C: Law School Readiness: Law School Admissions and Financial Aid
CRJ 152: Interviewing and Detection of Deception
CRJ 154: Introduction to Physical Evidence
CSAD 295S: Internship: Special Class Authorization Eligibility
CSAD 500C: Culminating Experience: Comprehensive Exam
CSAD 500P: Culminating Experience: Project
CSAD 500T: Culminating Experience: Thesis
CSAD 110: Physics of Sound and Phonetics
CSAD 133: Introduction to Aural Rehabilitation
HLTH 149: Health and Disease Pathology
HLTH 195: Health Science Internship
HLTH 199: Independent Study
NURS 166: Health Careers at California Correctional Facilities
PUBH 109: Cause and Control of Occupational Loss
PUBH 118: Introduction to Public Health
PUBH 144: Community Health Planning and Evaluation
PUBH 170: Public Health Study Abroad
PUBH 98: Public Health Professions Seminar
PUBH 120: Social Marketing in Health Promotion
PUBH 155: Introduction to Healthcare Process Improvement
PUBH 119: Community Health Promotion
PUBH 147: Health Data Analysis
PUBH 148: Epidemiology
RPTA 189: The Science of Wine and Dining
RPTA 35: Critical Thinking and the Outdoor Recreation Experience
SWRK 247: Forensic Social Work with Children and Youth
SWRK 262: Social Work Practice in Rehabilitation
SWRK 121: Community Organizing
SWRK 221: Community Organizing Practice
SWRK 269: Advanced Social Work Practice with Persons with a Developmental Disability
SWRK 238A: Issues and Practice in Schools
SWRK 238B: Issues and Practice in Schools

College of Natural Sciences and Math

BIO 184: General Genetics
BIO 297A: Teaching Biology Seminar
GEOG 210: Spatial Analysis in GIS

College of Social Sciences and Interdisciplinary Studies

PSYC 101: Statistics for Psychology

Special Programs

HONR 1: Global Education, Self-Examination, and Living

List 3

College of Arts & Letters

ARCH 11A: Architectural Design Fundamentals

COMS 120: History of the Media

JOUR 120: History Of The Media
JOUR 197A: The State Hornet-Introduction

DSGN 192: Senior Seminar: Design Studies
DSGN 195: Internship in Design Studies
DSGN 199: Special Problems

HIST 192B: Seminar in Recent Interpretations of European History
HIST 192C: Seminar in Recent Interpretations of Asian History
HIST 192D: Seminar in Recent Interpretations of Middle Eastern History
HIST 192F: Seminar in Recent Interpretations of Latin American History
HIST 192Z: Seminar in Recent Interpretations of a Special Topic
HIST 197A: Senior Research Seminar: United States History
HIST 197B: Senior Research Seminar: World History
HIST 197C: Senior Research Seminar: Public History
HIST 192A: Seminar in Recent Interpretations of United States History

HRS 108: Approaches to Religious Studies

College of Business

ACCY 133: Internal Auditing

DS 115: Advanced Business Analytics

ENTR 188: Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation

FIN 500: Culminating Experience Project in Finance and Ethics
FIN 10: Personal Finance

MSBA 206: Data Mining for Business

MSBA 299: Special Problems in Business Analytics
MKTG 121: Marketing Research and Information

College of Education

CHAD 30: Human Development

EDC 480: Counseling Internship
EDLP 221: Foundations in Higher Education Leadership
EDLP 222: Diversity in Higher Education
EDLP 225: Advanced Seminar: Ethical Decision Making
EDLP 255: Field Experience Seminar
EDLP 270: Advanced Seminar: Applied Leadership and Staff Teambuilding
EDLP 413: Supplemental Internship Experience
EDLP 414: Supplemental Internship Experience
EDSS 381: Methods in Art Education
EDSS 382: Methods in Music Education
EDUC 153: Black/African American Education

DEAF 165A: Spec. topic: English/ASL Translation
DEAF 165B: Spec. Topic: Deaf Education - Power & Politics
DEAF 165C: Technology and The Deaf Community
DEAF 165D: Spec. Topic: Global Deaf Languages & Cultures
DEAF 165E: Deaf Representation in Media
DEAF 199: Independent Study in Deaf Studies

College of Natural Sciences & Mathematics

GEOG 1: Atmosphere, Landscapes & Life: Intro to Physical Geography

GEOG 4: Global Urbanism: Cities and World Regions
GEOG 209: Geographic Information Systems

GEOG 133: Geography of the Middle East and North Africa
GEOG 150: Programming for GIS

GEOG 155: GIS Data Acquisition and Management
GEOG 164: Political Ecology, Nature, and Justice
GEOG 182: Qualitative Methods in Geography
GEOG 250: Programming for GIS
GEOG 255: GIS Data Acquisition and Management

MATH 107A: Fundamental Mathematical Concepts

MATH 220: Topology
MATH 220B: Topics In Topology
MATH 234: Complex Analysis
MATH 234B: Topics in Complex Analysis
MATH 241: Applied Functional Analysis
MATH 241B: Topics in Applied Mathematics
MATH 35: Introduction to Linear Algebra

STAT 215: Probability Theory
STAT 215B: Topics in Introduction to Mathematical Statistics

PHYS 210: Advanced Classical Mechanics
PHYS 224: Advanced Statistical Mechanics
PHYS 235: Advanced Electromagnetism
PHYS 242: Advanced Solid State Physics
PHYS 250: Advanced Quantum Mechanics
PHYS 270: Research Methods
PHYS 280: Advanced Special Topics in Physics
PHYS 290: Graduate Colloquium
PHYS 299: Special Problems
PHYS 500: Master's Thesis
PHYS 205: Advanced Mathematical Methods in Physics

College of Social Sciences & Interdisiplinary Studies

ANTH 108: Economic Anthropology
ANTH 120: Introductory Statistics for Anthropologists
ANTH 131: Europe in the Ethnographic Imagination
ANTH 141: Thinking About Culture
ANTH 142: Political Anthropology
ANTH 144: Contemporary America in Anthropological Perspective
ANTH 165: Applied Anthropology
ANTH 167: Religion and Culture
ANTH 172: Anthropologies of Music
ANTH 173: Anthropology of Contemporary Asia
ANTH 174: Anthropology of Food
ANTH 175: Anthropology of Globalization
ANTH 179: Observing Primate Behavior
ANTH 191: Anthropology Practicum

ANTH 119: Analysis of Faunal Remains
ANTH 121: Archaeology of Mexico
ANTH 150: Human Osteology
ANTH 163: Urban Anthropology
ANTH 177: Museum Methods
ANTH 181: Human Rights and Culture
ANTH 188: Anthropology of the Body
ANTH 189: Critical Medical Anthropology
ANTH 192B: Ethnographic Methods and Research Design

ECON 139: Economics of Personal Finance

ECON 213: U.S. Economic Development in Historical Perspective

ENVS 180: Climate Resilience

ENVS 500A: Environmental Studies Culminating Experience
ENVS 500B: Environmental Studies Culminating Experience

ETHN 102: Latinx Spiritual Movements: Legacies of Latinx Religious Activism
ETHN 183: Afrofuturism

ETHN 101: Critical University Studies
ETHN 132: La Mujer: Chicana and Latina Identity, Activism, and Transformational Resistance

FASH 135: Merchandise Buying
FASH 32: Apparel Construction 1: Fundamentals

FACS 100: Research Methods

GERO 122: Interprofessional Approaches to Health Care in Older Adults

NUFD 10: Introduction to Nutrition

NUFD 114: Cultural and Social Aspects of Food

PSYC 276A: Clinical Supervision in Behavior Analysis I

PSYC 276B: Clinical Supervision in Behavior Analysis II

List 4

College of Arts and Letters

ALS 101: Texts Over Time
ALS 102: Individual, Community, and Citizenship
ALS 103: Creativity, Meaning, and Criticism
ALS 104: Happiness, Well-Being and the Good Life
ALS 161: Arts and Letters Entrepreneurship and Marketing
COMS 168A: The Rhetoric of War
ARCH 110A: Intermediate Architecture Design Studio Option A
ARCH 110B: Intermediate Architecture Design Studio Option B
ARCH 110C: Intermediate Architecture Design Studio Option C
ENGL 120Y: Data Literacy and Writing
HRS 117: Gods and Cults in Greek and Roman Antiquity
HRS 190E: Seminar in HRS: Envisioning the Divine
HRS 290E: Seminar in HRS: Envisioning the Divine
DNCE 389: Methods in Dance Education
THEA 389: Methods in Theatre Education

College of Education

EDTE 369I: AP Institute: Art and Design
EDTE 370A: AP Institute: African American Studies

College of Health and Human Services

CSAD 622L: Amplification I Lab
CSAD 641L: Auditory Evoked Potentials Lab
NURS 206: Advanced Role Development in Nursing
NURS 208: Ethics & Bioethics
NURS 210: Research for Advanced Nursing: Methods and Measurement
NURS 213: Seminar in Organizational and Systems Leadership
NURS 217: Population Health & Epidemiology
NURS 218: Social Justice and Health Equity
NURS 219: Healthcare Policy & Advocacy
NURS 220: Introduction to Economics in Nursing
NURS 221: IRB & Proposal Writing
NURS 222: Application of Theories for Advanced Nursing Practice
NURS 230: Advanced Concepts in Pathophysiology
NURS 231: Pharmacology for Advanced Practice
NURS 232: Advanced Physical Assessment Across the Lifespan
NURS 620: Translating Evidence Into Practice
NURS 622: Quality Improvement & Risk Management
NURS 624: Advanced Statistics & Biostatistics
NURS 626: Instructional Design & Technology
NURS 628: Healthcare Informatics & Technology
NURS 630: Principles of Teaching and Learning
NURS 632: Educational Program Development & Assessment
NURS 634: Advanced Concepts in Executive Leadership
NURS 636: Practicum in Educational Program Development in Nursing
NURS 637: Practicum in Executive Nursing Leadership
NURS 640: Scholarly Dissemination & Advanced Professional Engagement
NURS 650: Independent Practicum DNP Residency
NURS 660A: DNP Project Part 1
NURS 660B: DNP Project Part 2
NURS 660C: DNP Project Part 3
NURS 660D: DNP Project Part 4

College of Natural Sciences and Math

CHEM 110: Inorganic Chemistry Lecture
CHEM 110L: Advanced Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory
PHYS 272: Biological Physics

College of Social Sciences and Interdisciplinary Studies

FASH 31: Textile Science: Fibers and Fabrics
PSYC 3: Human Development

List 5

College of Arts & Letters:

ARCH 11A: Architectural Space Planning
ARCH 186: Special Topics in Contemporary Architecture Practice
HIST 182B: U.S.-Mexico Borderlands History
HIST 188B: Empire and Labor Migration in the Americas
SPAN 113: Latin American Literature, Beginnings to Modernism
SPAN 114: Latin American Literature, Modernism to Present

College of Health & Human Services:

CSAD 142L: Service Learning in Autism and Related Neurodevelopmental Disabilities
CSAD 643: Diagnosis and Management of Vestibular Disorders
CSAD 653: Tinnitus
HLTH 141: Interpersonal Dynamics in Healthcare
HLTH 142: Leadership in Healthcare
HLTH 143: Personal Wellness for Healthcare Professionals
HLTH 144: History of Modern Medicine
HLTH 145: Eastern Approaches to Health and Wellness
HLTH 146: Naturopathic Approaches to Healthcare
HLTH 147: Alternative Health Practices
HLTH 148: Motivational Interviewing in Healthcare
HLTH 152: Legal and Ethical Issues in Healthcare
HLTH 154: Introduction to Traumatology
HLTH 156: Happiness and Quality of Life Over the Lifespan
HLTH 159: Entrepreneurship in Healthcare
HLTH 160: Health Professions, Research, and Services
HLTH 170: Introduction to Health Informatics
HLTH 171: Artificial Intelligence In Healthcare
NURS 170: Foundations for Evidence-Based Nursing Practice
NURS 171A: Transitional Concepts: The Baccalaureate Nurse Role
NURS 171B: Transitional Concepts: The Client Lifespan
NURS 173A: Theoretical Foundations for Leadership
NURS 173B: Theoretical Foundations for Management
NURS 174: Community Health Nursing: Concepts and Practice
NURS 174C: Community Health Nursing: Clinical Elective
NURS 178: Culminating Project
NURS 179: Professional Communication and Reasoning Development
RT 110: Foundations of Recreation Therapy
RT 111: Disability in Healthcare
RT 112: Assessment and Documentation in Recreation Therapy
RT 113: Facilitation Techniques: I
RT 114: Facilitation Techniques: II
RT 115: Management in Recreation Therapy
RT 195: Internship in Recreation Therapy

College of Natural Sciences & Mathematics:

ASTR 254: Astrophysics
GEOG 109: Geographic Information Systems
GEOG 127: Geography of Africa South of the Sahara
GEOG 160: Geography Of Natural Resources
GEOG 165: California Burning: Wildfires, Climate, and Biodiversity
PHYS 152: Nuclear and Particle Physics
PHYS 172: Biological Physics
PHYS 252: Nuclear and Particle Physics
PHYS 262: Computational Physics
PHYS 502: Master's Project
PHYS 504: Master's Exam

College of Social Sciences & Interdisciplinary Studies:

ANTH 104: The History of Anthropology
ANTH 106: Culture and Personality of the Chicano Child
ANTH 125: Historical Archaeology
ANTH 164: Culture Change
ASIA 110: Anthropology of Contemporary Asia
POLS 161: Disability Politics
PSYC 106: Motivation
PSYC 145: Social Psychology