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Updated: 5/7/01 @ 11:27 am

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TI February 8 and February 15


Getting started with staff development and web authoring

  • Course descriptions for Ed. TE 282 and Ed. TE 283
  • 2/08/01 Web authoring 
    • Readings for February 8:  The Non-Designers Web Book, Chapters 1 - 6
    • FTP
  • 2/15/01 
    • Staff development: Reading and Discussing
Phorum February 18


Staff development and Strategies

  • Reading and Responding


F2F February 23-24, 2001

Jump down to the February F2F
TI February 28

TI March 1

Readings and web authoring

Linda Darling-Hammond

Multimedia Projects in Education progress: Read through Chapter 3 (Decide) by this date.

Phorum March 4

Staff development and Strategies

  • Reading and Responding
TI March 14

TI March 15


Readings and web authoring

  • Ed's Oasis Teams
  • Staff development
    • See the agenda for March 15 in preparation for Thursday's session.


Phorum March 18

Staff development and Strategies

  • Reading and Responding
TI March 28

TI March 29


Readings and web authoring

  • Web authoring
  • Staff development


Phorum April 1

Staff development and Strategies

  • Reading and Responding

Phorum April 15

Staff development and Strategies

  • Reading and Responding

F2F April 20-21, 2001

Jump down to the April F2F

TI April 25

TI April 26


Readings and web authoring


Phorum April 29

Staff development and Strategies

  • Reading and Responding
TI May 9  

Readings and web authoring

  • Web authoring
  • Staff development


Jump down to the April face-to-face agenda.

February 23
February 24

Back up to weekly schedule

5 pm to 6 pm
  • Check in
  • iMET History
    • Reflecting on recent practices
  • Portfolios

6 pm to 8pm

The Essentials of Design


  • Webs and Rubrics

8 pm to 9 pm

8 am to 9 am

Breakfast on your own

9 am to 9:30 am

  • Check in
  • iMET Music

9:30 am to Noon

Inquiry and Spreadsheets
  • Immigration
  • Establishing the background
  • Looking at the relationships
  • Integrating with word processing and databases
  • Problem solving processes

Noon to 1 pm

Lunch on your own

1:00 pm to 2:00 pm

Taskstream with Papa Chaka

2:00 pm to 3:00 pm

3:00 pm to 4:30 pm

April 20 - 21, 2000 F2F

April 20, 2001

April 21, 2001



5 pm to 5:30

  • Check in

5:30 pm to 8pm

  • Presentations
  • Circle






8 am to 9 am

Breakfast on your own

9 am to 9:30 am

  • Check in

9:30 am to 12:30

12:30 - 1:15 Lunch

  • Circle



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