March 15, 2000

7:00 Arrival and greetings (Time for bantering)

7:15 Check-in 

7:25 Assignments for the evening (Bookmark this page for quick reference.)

The Discussion Groups

Below are the six groups for the evening with assigned facilitators next to randomly selected names. Discussions will be held in the rooms indicated. Facilitators will need to make sure there are taskmaster/timekeepers and recorder/posters for the groups.

These discussions require a bit more preparation than usual. Many of you will be quite familiar with the ISTE material and will be able to skim the book or website.

The Phorum postings should be read carefully as they represent some insightful and practical thinking on the part of your colleagues.


The Agenda

Reading assignments:

If you have the NET Standards for Students Book

  • Read the Technology Foundation Standards for All Students on pages 14 - 15.
  • Read through the general introduction to Profiles for Technology Literate Students on pages 16 - 17.
  • Choose one of the following levels: PreK-2, Grades 3-5, Grades 6-8, or Grades 9-12.
  • Read through the Performance Indicators, Curriculum Examples and Scenarios for that level in pages 16-25.
  • Browse through the other levels.
  • Read through the Introduction to Curriculum Integration on pages 28-31.
  • Read through Introduction to two of the Learning Activities, one each from the following: Language Arts and Social Studies or Math and Science. These follow the Introduction in Section 3.

If you DON'T have the NET Standards for Students Book

  • Go to the ISTE site.
  • Focus on the blue frame on the left-hand side of the screen.
  • Click on NETS.
  • Click on NETS for Students.
  • Click on Standards for Students.

Next ...

  • Read the Technology Foundation Standards for All Students
  • Click on the button "Profiles for Technology Literate Students" and read description of Performance Indicators, Curriculum Examples, and Scenarios
  • Choose one of the following levels: PreK-2, Grades 3-5, Grades 6-8, or Grades 9-12.
  • Click on the hypertext link to that level and then read through the Performance Indicators, Curriculum Examples and Scenarios for that level.
  • Return to the previous page and follow the links to browse through the other levels.
  • Return to the page with Performance Indicators, Curriculum Examples, and Scenarios. Click on the grade level you previously selected. Read through the Performance Indicators for Technology-Literate Students.
  • Read through two of the Corresponding Examples and Scenarios and the Corresponding Examples and Scenarios for that level.

Read and respond to the Phorum postings from those iMETters who have already posted to the thread: Effective Staff Development

7:25 - 8:30 - In your groups, discuss the readings from the Phorum and the NETS.

  • Your task for the evening is to synthesize and present a plan to implement the NETS in an effective manner.
  • Post your group synthesis to a TI note that others will click on to view. 
  • Label your note nets_red, nets_birch, nets_blue, etc.

8:30 Break

8:45 - Take time to read the six synopses. 

  • Discussion and comments

9:30 - Dismissal

Red Room

  • Doug
  • Chris W.
  • Chris C.
  • RJ
  • Roberta

Birch Room

  • Emily
  • Kathryn
  • Ashleigh
  • Gerald
  • Joe

Blue Room

  • Christie
  • Henry
  • Kay
  • Ryan
  • Kevin

Yellow Room

  • Kim
  • Yvonne
  • Matt
  • Jack
  • Andrew

Green Room

Not in use.

Oak Room

Not in use.