February 28, 2000 (Meeting in BruceM's Office - W 1712)

7:00 Arrival and greetings (Time for bantering)

7:15 Check-in

7:20  Review of the TI interface and commands.

7:25 Part 1:  Presenting ......

Your assignment was to create "Virtual Yosemite" for the teachers, parents and students in your school or district.  You may have modified the assignment to make it more practical and immediately useful in your teaching assignment.

We will present in the following order:

8:45 Break

9:00 Part 2:  Group decision making ...

Multimedia Projects in Education progress: Read through Chapter 3 (Decide) by this date.

The second part of this session focuses on the decision-making component of the Ed's Oasis assignment.  Using Multimedia Projects in the Classroom, you should be aware of the DDDE elements.  We'll break up into six groups according to the categories in the table below.  

Red Room:


Blue Room:

Language Arts

Birch Room:

History / Soc. Sci

Yellow Room:

The Arts

Green Room:


Oak Room:


9:40 Wrap-up

Beanie: Click to return to Strategies