Tapped In Agenda

March 28, 2001 (Bruce's Office: W1712)

7:00 Arrival and greetings

7:15 Check-in

7:25 Tapped In Assignments and Tasks

This is another online workshop. You have three main tasks:

Presenters are Joe Hertz and Christie Wheeler.  Give it up for these great authors!

7:25 - 8:25

Presenting .....

Visit these rooms below and critically evaluate using the rubric provided.

The format:

  • There are eight evaluation headings.  
  • Each designated pair will be responsible for only a portion of the rubric evaluation.  See below.
  • Make notes and leave them in the room for others to read.  Give the note an appropriate, short title.

8:25 Break time.

8:40 - 9:00

Tips Groups .....

The four I have chosen to lead us this evening have demonstrated and shared some tips on web authoring.  

The format: 

  • Have your web-authoring application open.
  • The leaders explain a process like auto thumbnail images, hover buttons, or frames.
  • Selected leaders have the right to change the topic or add to it if they wish.
  • Once the questions subside and everyone can do the task, a volunteer emerges with another tip.
  • I will be in the main office to help those who need work on broken images, uploading, etc.

Red Room:

Christie Wheeler- Presenter

Andrew, Ashleigh and Doug:

You're responsible for "Curriculum and Standards" and "Student-Centeredness".  

Chris C., Gerald, and Chris W.:

You're responsible for "Collaboration", "The Role of the Teacher" and "Instructional Design".  

Emily, Jack and Kathryn

You're responsible for "Assessment", "Use of the Web Medium" and "Ease of Use".  


Blue Room:

Doug: Leader

  • Hover Buttons in FrontPage


Birch Room:

Joe - Presenter

Kay, Kevin, and Kim:

You're responsible for "Curriculum and Standards" and "Student-Centeredness".  

Ryan, Matt, and RJ:

You're responsible for "Collaboration", "The Role of the Teacher" and "Instructional Design".  

Henry, Roberta, and Yvonne

You're responsible for "Assessment", "Use of the Web Medium" and "Ease of Use".  

Yellow Room:

RJ: Leader

  • Creating a simple Discussion Web in FrontPage for use with Internet Explorer only ... so far.

Green Room:

Matt: Leader

Fun and useful stuff with AppleWorks

Oak Room:

Ryan: Leader

  • Auto Thumbnails in FrontPage

  • Changing link colors in FrontPage


8:25 Break

8:40 Joining a Tips Group.

9:00 - 9:30 Collaborating

Beanie: Click to return to Strategies