The Presentation Portfolio

Please use the Portfolio Diagram below as a reference to terms.

The Presentation Portfolio represents the processes, products, and research that characterize your theoretical and practical achievements. For clarity, it is separated into three sections, Process, Product, and Showcase. Each section is described below.

The Process

The Process section of the Presentation Portfolio establishes the "Image of the Owner".

It should contain a Vita with the following elements.

It should contain Evidence of Effective Teaching.

Examples of Evidence of Effective Teaching:

Note:  These examples should not duplicate those in the “Product” section of the portfolio.

The Product

The Product section must contain artifacts that illustrate purpose, audience, evidence and reflection.

There should be no fewer than four illustrative pieces as evidence of breadth and depth. Breadth and depth must contain relevant aspects of instructional strategies, staff development, application/tool integration and multicultural issues. A single artifact need not necessarily address all four of the aspects above, but collectively, the Product section must illustrate the candidate's practical and theoretical focus on strategies, applications, staff development and multicultural issues.

If an artifact is a collaborative team product, describe the roles and contributions of each member of the team.  The description should describe each stage of the product development: research, writing, teaching, data gathering, reflection and revision.

The Showcase

This section includes the action research project. It must include the following: