Tapped In Agenda

February 8, 2001 (Meeting in BruceM's Office - W 1712)

7:00 Arrival and greetings (Time for bantering)

7:15 Check-in

7:25 Tapped In Lab Assignments and Tasks

A review of the TI interface and commands.

The Tapped In PDF Help Guide (essential even for experts).

A quick review of the new interface.

This is an online workshop. You have two main tasks and a minor one:

Leaders are Kim, Ryan, Henry, RJ, and Joe. Trust these iMETers. They've done it before. Thanks leaders!

Red Room:

Kim- Leader

  • Yvonne
  • Christie
  • Gerald

Blue Room:

Ryan - Leader

  • Kay (Site Central)
  • Chris W. (Site Central)
  • Roberta

Birch Room:

Henry - Leader

  • Diana
  • Ashleigh
  • Kathryn
  • Doug

Yellow Room:

RJ - Leader

  • Andrew
  • Emily
  • Kevin


Green Room:

Joe- Leader

  • Chris C.
  • Jack
  • Matt
iMET Logo


8:15 Break

8:30 Projecting Webs

In SAY Mode: /project http://imet.csus.edu/imet2/your_web_folder/

In Type command Mode: project http://imet.csus.edu/imet2/your_web_folder/

9:00 Wrap-up and problem solving

Make sure you read the article by Mary McNabb, Mark Hawkes, †llik Rouk, for the Tapped In session for February 15.

Critical Issues in Evaluating the Effectiveness of Technology

Beanie: Click to return to Strategies