March 14, 2000 (Meeting in BruceM's Office - W 1712)
7:00 Arrival and greetings
Materials needed: Your Ed's Oasis project plans and any uploaded materials.
Reading to be completed:
- "Good and Bad Design" from Chapter 8 of The Non-Designers Web Book.
- Multimedia Projects in Education: Read Chapter 5 pages 75 - 90 by
this date to get more background on graphics and sound. If you don't have
this book yet, look over Chapters 9 and 10 of The Non-Designers Web Book.
7:15 Check-in
7:25 - 8:30
Project Groups
- 7:25 - 7:45 Generating ideas
- We will take some time to toss out project ideas. There may be several of
you who haven't gotten on a team yet.
Developing Design Elements
- 7:45 - 8:30 Meet with groups. Evaluate all three sites below if you have
time. Otherwise look at two of them critically.
- Refer to page 154, "So-much-better Design Checklist" of the The
Non-Designers Web Book.
- Using page 154, break into your project groups and evaluate Barbara Grandstaff's
Ed's Oasis web.
- Now do the same with this site from Rio Linda.
- And, here's a San Juan site for middle school.
8:30 Break
8:40 Back in W1712
Group comments
Did we learn anything?
Group collaboration
Meet with your teams and discuss and share your works in progress.
9:30 Dismissal