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Course descriptions

Ed. TE 282, Strategies for Application and Presentation and Ed. TE 283, Staff Development and Presentation Applications are two closely related courses in the iMET Program.

Strategies for Application and Presentation

"Redesigning Curriculum for Distributed Environments" emphasizes and utilizes research that supports the inclusion of technology in the curriculum.  Students use the Internet to collect and evaluate quantitative and qualitative evidence that leads to the development of effective uses of applications and multimedia for instruction and presentation.  Groups of students design, develop, and evaluate curricular projects and learning experiences and locate, organize and distribute research findings in support of new curricular developments.  Projects are presented and evaluated by peer review processes.

Staff Development and Presentation Applications

"Staff Development and Presentation Applications" focuses on the need for staff development and on effective presentation practices.  The course explores the necessary elements that bring integrated technology to staff members.  Students practice a variety of delivery methods for staff development that include multimedia, website references and hands-on integrated curricular activities that teachers can use immediately with the available technology.

The two courses will be taught as an integrated six units. In the Strategies course, students will select an application (software tool) and a teaching strategy or strategies, and develop a teaching unit integrating the two. The teaching unit will be delivered utilizing the Internet and presented through a website uploaded to the iMET server and submitted to an international contest (Ed's Oasis).

The Staff Development course will focus on the effective distribution of research and the applications and strategies utilized in the website constructed in the Strategies course. Students will be required to present their websites in a staff development setting or in a critical peer-review environment. Readings and discussions will be assigned that are connected to model staff development concepts.

The Assignments

The Basics

Integrated Instructional Web: Technology Inclusion and Integration
Your project this semester is to submit a web-based instructional lesson or unit to Ed's Oasis.

Strategies for Application and Presentation

Required reading:

Other relevant integrated reading: Selections from Models of Teaching, Joyce and Weil


Grading will be based on attendance and contributions during f2f and virtual meetings as well as on participation in Phorum activities.  Assessment of the website project as well as the staff development presentation will also be a significant part of student evaluations.

The Big Picture

There are two parts to this project:

  1. The Ed's Oasis MasterSearch Contest
  2. The presentation of the web-based instructional unit in a conference setting or staff development setting.

Part I: Ed's Oasis MasterSearch Contest Goals

As part of your research, become familiar with the MasterSearch Contest by visiting Ed's Oasis. Review the Scoring Criteria, Entry Form, and the Scoring Rubric.

Part II: Presentation of the unit in a conference setting

First American Culture Quest

Welcome to the California Missions

Continental Connection

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