Tapped In Agenda

April 26, 2000 (Meeting in BruceM's Office - W 1712)

7:00 Arrival and greetings (Time for bantering)

7:15 Check-in

7:20 Tapped In Assignments and Collaborative Activity

After that exciting face-to-face, we certainly hope you're ready to move into the last few weeks of the semester with renewed vigor. 

7:25 - 8:45

Critical Evaluation Exercise

  • Christie - Leader
  • Henry
  • Kim
  • Ryan
  • Emily
  • Kathryn
  • Ashleigh
Discuss issues involved with website relevance.
  • Doug - Leader
  • Chris W.
  • Jack
  • Kevin
  • Kay
  • Andrew

Discuss issues involved with website authority.

  • Gerald - Leader
  • Joe
  • Chris C.
  • RJ
  • Roberta
  • Yvonne
  • Matt

Discuss issues involved with website Accuracy.

  1. Select a web author for your group who will have a web-authoring application open for note taking.
  2. As you discuss, your group's web author should create the one page web with your ideas about the relevance, authority and accuracy of the selected Ed's Oasis product.
  3. Upload the website. Project it to your group.  Proofread, critique, edit, upload and take a break.
  4. At 9:00, we'll reconvene in W1712 and share the three sites.  These sites will, no doubt, be useful in assisting more than a few hesitant teachers.

8:45 Break time

9:00 Projections and discussions.

9:30 Circle

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