April 1, 2000

We have two Phorum assignments for the week, one for Strategies and the other for Staff Development.


Some new stuff ...

By Tuesday, please put up your Ed's Oasis lessons in TaskStream . Your web-authoring assignment for the week will be to modify them according to Mike's  feedback.

Some old stuff...

Some nifty stuff ...

Want a nifty download from Microsoft for creating a FrontPage Web?  Go to this site.  Try it out.  If you're struggling with FrontPage essentials, you need this link!  Click here and then hit the "Download Now" link.  It takes about 7 minutes on a 56K modem.

Here's a FrontPage Tutorial that gives you nearly everything on one long page.  It's pretty good!

And, here is a list of FAQs with links to answers!

Staff Development:   A Pretty Good Debate Looms

Here are two points of view about staff development from William Schubert's Curriculum: Perspective, Paradigm and Possibility (Schubert, 1986, p. 391).

The commercial view: Workshops conducted by personnel from companies that sell curriculum materials build "... an overall programmatic consistency that is impossible for those school systems that allow teachers to teach whatever subject matter in whatever ways they wish.  Programmatic consistency is an essential characteristic of what institutionalized curriculum is all about.  To deny this is to deny the central purpose of institutions in society.  Publishers have put a great deal of time, effort, and expertise into the development of institutional systems, and usually have a variety of options within any given purpose.  to replace this with teacher-made curriculum is a great mistake, because teachers are primarily implementors.  They have not the time, energy, or expertise to teach and develop curriculum at the same time."

The experiential view: Making teachers mere implementors denies their professionalism.  Their central mission should be to interact carefully with their own students and, together with them and with sources of outside expertise, determine what is in their best interest at a particular moment.  Teachers (and students themselves) are in a unique position (along with parents) to diagnose needs and interests continuously, provide experiences that meet them, monitor student response and learning that accrues continuously, and redevelop curricula that better meet the changing character of student needs and the interests that symbolize them."

Your assignment:   On the Phorum, either defend or reject one of these views.  In your argument, support your statements with at least two web-based or cellulose, pulp-based references.  You certainly may use references that have been used in this semester's readings.

Make your argument a good one, and make it at least four paragraphs in length.  Others will, no doubt, be called on to respond to your views.  I have created a thread entitled "A Pretty Good Debate Looms" where you will need to label your argument as a defense or rejection of one of the views.

Beanie takes you back to DDD Assignments