April 15, 2000

We have one Phorum assignment for the week for Staff Development.

Staff Development:  "Technology and Change: Impossible to Resist"

In you copy of Computers in Education 00/01 by Hirschbuhl and Bishop, you will find a fascinating article by Diana Oblinger on page 17.  This article will provide you with a useful reference as you continue to put technological changes into context.  You will want to read the whole article, but for this week, only pages 17 - 24 will be necessary. 

A few choice quotes: 

Your assignment:

In "Technology and Change: Impossible to Resist", Oblinger presents numerous questions regarding the institutions in which we work.  Pick three questions most relevant to your work and answer them in a Phorum posting on the thread we've created for you.  This exercise may also provide you with an additional perspective regarding the presentations of your web assignment for the semester.



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