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Department of Communication Sciences & Disorders College of Health & Human Services

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CSAD Handbooks: Resources, Forms and Information

This webpage serves as the handbook for the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders. Included below are policies, procedures, practices, resources, and information for students, faculty, and staff in the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders.

For academic expectations and policies, please reference the CSAD Academic Catalog

For campus policies, please reference the University Policy Manual

Our Mission

The Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders trains highly competent professionals in the fields of speech-language pathology and audiology by providing a rigorous scientific background and diverse clinical experiences while fostering a dedication to lifelong learning and community service.

Our Vision

The Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders will be widely recognized as a leader in the innovative education of speech-language pathologists and audiologists.

General Information & Resources

This section contains information and resources applicable across the programs housed in the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders.

Join Our Team

Interested in becoming a part of the CSAD Team?

All full and part-time faculty and staff positions are posted on the CSUS HR website.

Part-time Pool positions

  1. 2025-26 AY Lecturer Pool - Doctor of Audiology Program
  2. 2025-26 AY Lecturer Pool - Communication Sciences and Disorders

Sacramento State is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer, and has a strong institutional commitment to the principle of diversity in all areas. In that spirit, we are particularly interested in receiving applications from a broad spectrum of qualified people to develop a campus community whose diversity enriches the lives of all and whose members develop a strong sense of personal and community identity as well as mutual respect. Sacramento State hires only those individuals who are lawfully authorized to accept employment in the United States.

Department Level Policies, Procedures, and Resources

This section covers departmental level policies that are applicable across the programs housed in the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders and provides links to campus level policies.

Department Level Policies
Title Revised/Reviewed
CSAD Background check policy and instructions 01/23/2023
CSAD Trumba Web Calendar Event Request Form 09/18/2024
CAA Accreditation Standard 4.10 Distance Education Student Identity Policy 07/24/2024
CSAD Course Syllabi Webpage  
CSAD Immunization Policy 09/20/2024
Policy for Decorations and Construction in Offices, Classroom Spaces and Hallways 10/23/2024
CSAD Policy on Proficiency in English and/or other Languages 03/10/2022
CSAD Policy regarding non-supervised services by CSAD students- Updated 2022 07/26/2022
CSAD Policy on student concerns, complaints, and unlawful conduct 07/08/2022
CSAD  Student Feedback This form is intended for students to have the opportunity to provide feedback on our department, classes, faculty, staff, and facilities. 07/24/2024
CSAD Policy on Use of APA Format 09/08/2020
CSAD Policy: Active In-house Recruitment 09/03/2019
CSAD Student Petitions Form- The petitions committee is comprised of full-time faculty who meet on an as-needed basis in the Fall and Spring semesters only.  Committee meetings do not occur every month. Students are encouraged to submit their application as early as possible so that it may be considered in time for conference attendance. New incoming students may submit an application to the petitions committee beginning on the first day of the Fall semester. 07/24/2024
CSAD Student Travel Policy 01/31/2022
University Policies on Academic Dishonesty 07/24/2024
University Student Policies 07/24/2024

CSAD Faculty Policies and Procedures

This section contains Policies and Procedures specific to CSAD faculty.

CSAD Bachelor of Science Handbook

The following section the handbook for the Bachelors of Science in Communication Sciences and Disorders program. Included below are policies, procedures, practices, resources, and information for students, faculty, and staff in the program.

For academic expectations and policies, please reference the CSAD Academic Catalog

For campus policies, please reference the University Policy Manual

CSAD Bachelor of Science Handbook
Title Revised/Reviewed
CSAD BS Course Sequence 07/24/2024
C- Grades for Prerequisite Courses The Academic policy on prerequisite coursework posted in the Sac State Catalog Academic Polices ( within the Grading System Policies states:C- Grades for Prerequisite CoursesA grade of "C-" or better is required for prerequisite courses.  If a department requires a “C” or better in a prerequisite course and will not accept a “C-“ grade, then the department must specify so in the catalog course description. This policy applies to all undergraduate-level courses. Students who receive a grade below a "C-" may petition to continue in the CSAD BS program without repeating a major pre-requisite course at this link: Please note, filing a petition form does not guarantee acceptance of prerequisite waiver. Each form will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis..  12/19/2024

Speech Language Pathology Assistant Summer Extension Coursework

Documents posted in this section constitute the Speech Language Pathology Assistant Summer Extension Coursework Handbook.

Please visit the Speech-Language Pathology Assistant (SLPA) Coursework webpage for current program documents.

CSAD Master of Science Program Handbook

Documents posted in this section constitute the Master of Science in Communication Sciences and Disorders Student Handbook.

CSAD Master of Science Documents
Title Revised/Reviewed
ASHA SLP Knowledge and Skills across the curriculum 02/07/2019
In alignment with the current January 2023 ASHA Standards for Accreditation, the CSUS CSAD MS program provides content and opportunities for students to learn so that each student demonstrates the following attributes and abilities and demonstrates those attributes and abilities in the following four Professional Practice Competencies throughout the graduate program: : (a) accountability, (b) effective communication skills, (c) evidence-based practice, and (d) professional duty.  For additional information regarding these 2023 ASHA Standards for Accreditation, please visit pages 17-18 at 10/23/2024
CSAD MS Academic Performance Improvement Plan (APIP) Policy 02/10/2020
CSAD MS Clinical Performance Improvement Plan (CPIP) Policy 06/01/2022
CSAD MS Program Request for Change in Plan of Study
CSAD MS students who are interested in changing their plan of study are required to complete this petition disclosing the reason, rationale, and documentation for the desired change. 
CSAD MS Student Benchmark Presentation  01/27/2025
CALIPSO (A web-based application that manages key aspects of academic and clinical education designed specifically and exclusively for speech-language pathology and audiology training programs) 
CSAD Immunization Policy 09/20/2024
Background check policy and instructions 01/23/2023
HealthStreams Specialized training in the areas of HIPAA, blood borne pathogens, and more 02/06/2025
How to apply for a Certificate of Clearance 07/24/2024
California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) Certificate of Clearance (CL-900) Summary webpage 08/27/2024
CSAD MS Comprehensive Examination (CSAD 500C) 07/24/2024
CSAD MS Thesis (CSAD 500T) 07/24/2024
CSAD MS Project (CSAD 500P) 07/24/2024
CSAD MS Timeline to Success 08/28/2019
California Department of Consumer Affairs Qualifications and Application Packages for SLP and SLPA Webpage 07/24/2024
ASHA Certification in Speech-Language Pathology Webpage 07/24/2024
Presentation: California License & RPE/CF; California Credential, ASHA CCC 02/07/2019
Presentation: Effective Supervision and Learning….Public School Internships 03/30/2022
 CSAD MS Timeline for CA Licensure, CA Credential, and ASHA CCC  10/25/2024
 Beyond the MS Degree: Steps to Employment as a CF-SLP  10/29/20204
Speech-Language Pathology Credential application process presentation: Elizabeth Christian, CSUS Credential Analyst (Zoom Recording) 10/21/2024
Speech-Language Pathology Credential application process presentation: Elizabeth Christian, CSUS Credential Analyst (Presentation PDF) 10/21/2024
Checklist for preliminary to clear speech-language pathology services credential application 10/21/2024
Checklist for the preliminary speech-language pathology services credential application 10/21/2024

Maryjane Rees Center: Speech and Language Clinic

Maryjane Rees Center: Speech and Language Clinic Documents
Title Revised/Reviewed
2024 Fall Maryjane Rees Center-CSAD MS Clinic Student and Instructor Handbook 09/20/2024
Bill of Rights for Clients Receiving Audiology or Speech-Language Pathology Services 09/05/2019
Clinical Competencies 02/07/2019
Maryjane Rees Center Research Policy 02/07/2019
Ordering information for clinic scrubs with Maryjane Rees Center logo 07/24/2024
Maryjane Rees Center-CSAD MS Clinic Student and Instructor Handbook
This handbook has been designed to acquaint students in the Communication Sciences and Disorders master’s degree program with information about clinical policies and procedures. It should serve as a reference throughout your clinical experience and explains responsibilities of graduate student clinicians during clinical practicums and internships. This information is intended to support and supplement classroom instruction and guidance from clinical instructors. It is the student’s responsibility to seek clarification from faculty, staff and/or clinical instructors regarding matters which might remain unclear. The procedures outlined in this handbook are specific to the Maryjane Rees Language, Speech and Hearing Center and are expected to be followed while a graduate student clinician in the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders. Faculty and staff within the department are unbiasedly committed to facilitating an environment which promotes the successful completion of the master’s degree requirements. This handbook serves as one tool for helping you achieve that success. 
Mission Statements  10/23/2024
ASHA requirements for clinical observations and practicum experiences  10/23/2024
Requirements for the Speech-Language Pathology Services Credential with or without the Special Class Authorization (SCA)  10/23/2024
Requirements for a California State SLP License  10/25/2024
Requirements for ASHA Certificate of Clinical Competence  10/25/2024
Clinical Clock Hours  10/29/2024
Clinic Fees  10/29/2024
Mandatory Background Check  10/29/2024
Required Immunizations  10/29/2024
Clinical Assignments  10/29/2024
Client Files  10/29/2024
Clinician Files  10/29/2024
Meetings with your Clinical Instructors  10/29/2024
First Day of Clinic  10/29/2024
Client Parking  11/13/2024
Required Documentation  11/13/2024
Supervision  11/13/2024
Student Evaluations  11/13/2024
Clinic Grading Policy  11/13/2024
End of the Semester Procedure  11/13/2024
Clinical Instructor Evaluation  11/13/2024
CSAD MS Clinical Performance Improvement Plan (CPIP) Policy- See policy posted above in CSAD Master of Science Program Handbook  11/13/2024
Clinicians’ Computer Room  11/13/2024
Therapy Rooms and Lab Spaces  11/13/2024
Observation Room and Auxiliary Observation Room  11/13/2024
Therapy Prep Room and Supply Room  11/13/2024
Miscellaneous Clinic Policies  11/13/2024
Clinical Instructor Expectations and Requirements  11/13/2024
Performance Improvement Plan - Template  11/13/2024
TELEPRACTICE  12/10/2024
Universal Precautions  12/10/2024
Emergency Procedures  12/10/2024
APPENDIX I: 2014 Standards and Implementation Procedures for The Certificate of Clinical Competence In Speech-Language Pathology  12/10/2024
APPENDIX II: ASHA Code of Ethics  12/10/2024
APPENDIX III: ASHA Scope Of Practice for Speech-Language Pathology  12/10/2024

CSAD MS Internship Handbook

Documents posted in this section constitute the Master of Science in Communication Sciences and Disorders Student Handbook.

CSAD MS Internship Documents
Title Revised/Reviewed
Internship Procedures  12/10/2024
Internship Descriptions  12/10/2024
Internship Expectations  12/10/2024
Master Clinician Selection, Site Selection and Contract Process  12/10/2024
Internship Placement  12/10/2024
Required Professional Behaviors for Interns  12/10/2024
Specific Internship Expectations  12/10/2024

Doctorate of Audiology (Au.D.)

Documents posted in this section constitute the Doctorate of Audiology Student Handbook.

Doctorate of Audiology Documents
Title Revised/Reviewed
Au.D. Academic Performance Improvement Plan (APIP) Policy 06/24/2024
Au.D. Clinical Performance Improvement Plan (CPIP) Policy 06/24/2024
Au.D. Student Observation Log 02/07/2019
Student Handbook:
 Academic Performance Improvement Plan (APIP)   08/22/2024
 Accreditation   08/22/2024
 Appendices   08/22/2024
 Au.D Doctoral project   08/22/2024
 Au.D program advising and mentoring   08/22/2024
 Au.D. program organization (Org Chart)   08/22/2024
 Coursework and plan of study   08/22/2024
 Good standing   08/22/2024
 Licensure and certification   08/22/2024
 Location   08/22/2024
 Praxis   08/22/2024
 Time limits   08/22/2024
 Timeline   08/22/2024

Maryjane Rees Center: Audiology Clinic

Maryjane Rees Center: Audiology Clinic  Documents
Title Revised/Reviewed
 “This Au.D. Clinic Handbook provides an overview of clinical education policies, student expectations, and general guidelines for participation in clinical experiences. It is intended to serve as a resource for students, faculty, and prospective applicants.Please note: This document does not include clinic-specific protocols related to patient care, procedural workflows, or operational guidelines. Such protocols are provided separately to enrolled students and clinical faculty through secure, internal platforms.For further details on clinic-specific protocols, enrolled students should refer to the internal clinic resources available through Canvas.”audiology-clinic-handbook-spring-2025-without-protocols.pdf  02/21/2025