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The Presentation Portfolio

The iMET Schedule and links

Updated: October 5, 2001 @ 8:29 am.

The schedule below will help iMET students track progress toward the completion of the Master's Degree portfolio.

Week Dates Format Topic Reading and Preparation AR Timeline Review of Literature
2 9/7/2001 F2F WebQuest Presentations

Action Research

  Refer to handout: iMET Action Research Planning Calendar (iMET ARPC) Remember Roy Pea?  Have you organized your reading to date?
3 9/12/01

Agenda for 9/12/01

Optional TI in lieu of Halloween Presentation and critique of rationales Rationale Web Begin reviewing literature on your identified research themes (topics).

Consider data-gathering strategies.

Develop strategies for data analysis.

Draft your introductory paragraphs: Rationale with problem/purpose statement..

Is your rationale statement tied to a theoretical perspective or a piece of literature?
4 9/19/2001

Agenda for 9/19/01

TI Action Research

Merriam Says...

Click above for some ideas about literature reviews.

Mills: Chapters 3 & 4

4 9/20/2001

Agenda for 9/20/01

TI Portfolio Peer Review

Reflection Scaffold

Have an artifact ready for review.    
5 9/23/2001

Agenda for 9/23/01(also on Phorum)

Phorum Phorum thread for posting references


Have several key references ready to post in APA format. See iMET ARPC: Research implementation plan due by September 29.  
6 10/3/2001


TI Action Research Initial drafts or outlines for Review of Literature

"Casing" -some out-of-the-box thinking

Have an outline or first draft ready for review. See iMET ARPC: Preliminary data and continuous data analysis.  


TI Portfolio

Portfolio: Peer Review

Reflection Scaffold

Have another artifact ready for review. Continue reviewing literature.  
7 10/7/2001

Agenda for 10/7/01 

Phorum Check-up

What are you accomplishing?

Share your reflections.  Work on your Product section of your portfolio.


8 10/17/2001

(Agendas below are not updated yet)

Agenda for 10/17/01

TI Action Research Evaluating and Coding

Mills: Chapter 5 pages 100-110

Analyze data and reflect on preliminary conclusions.  
8 10/18/2001

Agenda for 10/18/01


TI Portfolio        
9 10/21/2001

Agenda for 10/21/01

Phorum   Draft your revised action research methodology.
  • Post to the Phorum for feedback.
In-progress Portfolio
  • Post link to the Phorum for comments
Literature reviews
  • In-progress reviews
  • Email these to the Amigos for comments
Draft of findings to a colleague by October 26.  
10 10/31/2001 TI Action Research (Cancelled: see 9/12/01)        
10 11/1/2001

Agenda for 11/1/01

TI Portfolio Action Research: Discussion of findings      
11 11/4/2001

Agenda for 11/4/01

Phorum   Further feedback on action research report.

Post to the Phorum for feedback.


11 11/9/2001


F2F Action Research and Portfolio Presentations   Submit final review of literature by November 10.  
12 11/14/2001

Agenda for 11/14/01

TI Technology and Modern Practices Authentic Portfolios: The Teacher-Researcher   Submit final AR writ-up by November 13.  
12 11/15/2001 TI Technology and Modern Practices        
13 11/18/2001

Agenda for 11/18/01

Phorum Wrapping up the Portfolio   Submit revisions by November 21.  
14 11/28/2001 TI Technology and Modern Practices        
15 12/2/2001 Phorum        

Face-to-Face Sessions

Format Activity

F2F September 7 - 8

Friday, September  7, 2001

5:00 - 5:45 Check-in, announcements, and reflections on recent practices

5:45 - 6:00 Constructive Criticism

The Procedure:  

  • 15 -20 minute presentation
  • 10 - 15 minute written response to presenter
  • The Protocol

6:00 -  7:15 WebQuests: Round 1

Eur 211 Time
Ryan and Gerald 6:15 - 6:45
Chris C.   
Doug 6:45 - 7:15
Joe and Jack   
Eur 215   
Ashleigh and Kay 6:15 - 6:45
Chrisite W. and Andrew 6:45 - 7:15
Joe Volek   

7:15 Dinner Break

8:00 Action Research on Human Subjects

8:15 - 8-45 Demystifying Action Research

8:45 - 9:00 Questions and Circle

  • What do you value as a professional educator?

Saturday, September 8, 2001

9:00 - 9:30 Check-in

9:30 - 10:50 WebQuests: Round 2

Eur 211 Time
Chris W. 9:30 - 10:00
Matt and Henry 10:00 - 10:30 (Break)
Eur 215  
Kim and JR 9:30 - 10:00
Roberta 10:00 - 10:30 (Break)

10:50 - 12:00 Action Research Revisited

  • Systematically assembling action research
    • Reflection:  Completing AR Reflection 
    • Professional Practice Profile: 
      • Chart Paper Quadrants (See examples)
        • Problem
        • Purpose
        • Questions
        • Resources

12:00 - 1:00 Lunch

1:00 - 3:30

  • Acting out action research
    • Team discussions and planning
    • Faculty advising
  • Reviewing literature
  • Citing references (EndNote 5)

3:45 - 4:00 Discussion

4:00 Circle


F2F November 9 - 10

Portfolio Presentations

Friday, November 9, 2001

5:00-5:30 Check-in

5:30-6:00 Reflections and updates






7:30-8:15 Potluck



Saturday, November 10, 2001

9:00-9:20 Check-in



10:00-10:10 Break



10:50-11:00 Break





12:20-1:20 Lunch

1:20-3:45 Action Research discussions

  • 1:20-2:00 Informal discussions of processes and findings
  • 2:00-3:00 Work session and advising
  • 3:00-3:45 Processing (more questions and discussions)

3:45-4:00 Circle




Looking at qualitative research with a note about the WebQuest perspective.

What is qualitative research? Rob McBride and John Schostak define it as "Enquiry Learning".

Using Sharan Merriam's Qualitative Research and Case Study Applications in Education (1998), we take as a principle assumption that individuals construct reality by interactions with their social environment.  Following this, qualitative researchers are interested in understanding the meanings that people construct.  Qualitative research can reveal how parts fit together to reveal the whole.  In contrast, quantitative researchers understand the whole by taking apart its components and testing them.  These components become the variables of a study.

Other characteristics of qualitative research (p. 5 - 8):

Merriam further describes qualitative research as generally having "emergent and flexible" designs with small, non-random, purposeful samples.  The researcher -the primary instrument of data collection- spends long hours in the natural setting (p. 8).  These, and the major characteristics outlined above, may match nicely with the research plans that iMET students consider in their action research design.  In some respects, the characteristics of qualitative research may also be embedded in the designs of WebQuests.

Howard Becker, in Tricks of the Trade, provides some highly useful ways to think about all research (Becker, 1998).  Below are some of the "tricks" Becker feels researchers must scrutinize as they look at their areas of focus.  I highly recommend this book.

Becker's words can summarize much of the above list:  "When an analyst of causes has done the job well, the result is a large proportion of variance explained.  When an analyst of narrative has done the job well, the result is a story that explains why this process had to lead to this result." (p. 57)  

Finally, ask "how" not just "why".  Becker quotes Charles Ragin in describing the investigator thinking about his research problem: 

"...pondering the possibilities gained from deep familiarity with some aspect of the works, systematizing those ideas in relation to kinds of information one might gather, checking the ideas in the light of that information, dealing with the inevitable discrepancies between what was expected and what was found by rethinking the possibilities and getting more data, and so on, in a version of Kuhn's image of the development of science as a whole." (p. 66)

Simple summaries of the characteristics contrasting qualitative and quantitative methodologies can  be found at the following locations:

A more in-depth summary:

Online meetings

All online meetings will be held on Wednesdays or Thursdays except where individual arrangements are made.