September 20, 2000 in MikeM's Office

Reflecting Scaffold

This Tapped In session has an unusual format.  You'll need to meet with a colleague to exchange feedback and then meet back with MikeM at 9:15 for questions and the Wrap-up. 

The Reflection_Scaffold.doc is a three-page Word document that provides you with a scaffold for your first of four reflections as you refine selected portfolio artifacts and place them in the Content section of your portfolio. You'll need to use this format at least once. Following that, you may elect to modify the format or devise another format that addresses the established review criteria.

The Reflection_Scaffold document is only meant to be a support tool that gets you started on the reviewing, reflecting, revising process. It leaves room for your decisions as to how you might adjust to this process. That's what a scaffold is. You use it when you need it.

7:20 - 9:15 

For your Tapped In assignment for this evening, you will need to team up with a colleague in Tapped In and exchange products for review.

  1. Use the Reflection_Scaffold tool and follow the directions on the document.
  2. I would suggest using your your Ed's Oasis project as your chosen artifact since you will want feedback on that anyway.  However, you certainly may choose your project completed for Duane Campbell's class or even an earlier product from the Tools and the Curriculum class.
  3. When you've completed the peer review portion of the form, rename the document with an appropriate name. Take a break.
  4. Consider how you'd like to respond to the feedback others have provided.  Begin designing your reflection page for the product you've chosen for feedback for tonight.


Check back in to Tapped In at 9:15 for questions and wrap-up comments.

Beanie takes you back to DDD Assignments