The local iMET time ...

Time to consider the possibilities!

Tapped In Agenda

May 9, 2001

7:00 Arrival and greetings (Time for bantering)

7:15 Check-in 

7:25 Readings and assignments for the evening.

There are two events for the evening:

The Discussion Groups The Tasks and Discussion Topics

Cathie - Leader

Gail - Leader Marc - Leader

7:25 - 8:00 Use the web below and consider the following:

The achievements of the CSUS cohorts may match nicely with the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS). We know many of you have seen this material, but examine the link to the standards anyway.  You'll need to select Standards on the home page. Visit several of the links under Standards to get a perspective.

National Board for Professional Teaching Standards

8:00 - 8:30 Discuss National Board Certification from the perspective of a graduate student nearly finished with an intensive course of study.

  • Reflect on your growth as an educator in the past 14 months.  While not everyone can be an iMET participant, is National Board Certification a process an alternative that can give the education community a much-needed shot in the arm?  

8:30 Take a break.

8:40 - 9:00 Examine the in-progress iMET featured portfolios linked to your group. Suggest ideas that concern content, aesthetics (CRAP) and navigation. 

9:00  In preparation for the final discussions tonight, consider the connections between National Board Certification and the iMET experience.

Further tasks: Check the remainder of the agenda for the evening.

Are there benefits to National Board Certification?

9:00 Discussions

  1. Cathie's group
  2. Gail's group
  3. Marc's group
    • Comments from the larger group

9:30 That's a wrap!