The local iMET time ...

Updated on September 12 @ 3:17 pm.
Time for a rationale!

September 12, 2001 (BruceM's Office)

7:00 Arrival and greetings (Time for bantering and checking in)

7:15 Assignments for the evening.

There are two events for the evening:

The Discussion Groups The Tasks and Discussion Topics
Facilitators are identified next to the meeting room.


  • Facilitators keep the flow of the discussion.
  • Recorders use a word processor to capture key points.

Chris Watson -Chris' Office


Emily -Emily's Office


Christie -Christie's Office


Matt -Matt's Office




Form groups for the various rooms based on existing research teams and individual interests. 
  • For example, if Matt and Henry are a team, they need to be together.
  • People working individually may select any group.
  • Limit the group size to 5 people.
Presentation and critique of rationales.  Facilitators determine the order.
  • Each author or team presents a one sentence purpose statement.
    • Follow this purpose statement with a rationale paragraph.
  • Participants: Critique each purpose and rationale by initiating a question or comment from one of the perspectives below:
    • a parent of a gifted child;
    • a parent of a child who has had little success at school;
    • an administrator whose dominant concern is for test scores;
    • a teacher who thinks that all this technology stuff is a fad; or
    • a board member who is a local, successful business person.
  • Authors or teams defend their rationales by referring to their areas of focus and key research studies in support of the purpose for the study.
Following the presentations and critiques, create a list of three or more things that the group got from the discussion.
  • Recorders need to capture the list.
  • Rank order the list.
Return to the larger group in Bruce's office.

8:40 Break

In preparation for the final discussions tonight, check the remainder of the agenda for the evening.

Data Collection

9:00 Discussions

9:40 That's a wrap!