September 23, 2001

We have one Phorum assignment for the week, but it has much to do with everything.

Citing References: APA Style

On the Phorum, we have placed a thread for you to post some of your references. Please post several of your references in APA format. Select at least one book, one journal article, one online source and one reference with an organization as the author, for example, California Department of Education. Use the references supplied in the Phorum assignment for September 23, 2001, and your APA Manual if you need it. You might also post some citations for some references where multiple authors are listed. In addition, feel free to use this Phorum for questions and to develop a knowledge web on APA style.

Below are some very handy resources to assist in this important task.

Wisdom from Larry Hannah:

This Word document, "Proofreading Common Errors," also includes examples of the current format for citing online references in APA style.

A very handy link to the APA website. This site illustrates how to cite online references. Explore the links for excellent examples.

Writer's Workshop from the University of Illinois. This is an outstanding web that has much to do with everything you need to know about citing any kind of reference in APA style. There are also links to other writing guides as well.

Finally, there's also no substitute for the APA Manual. I would also stir in a little EndNote.

Beanie takes you back to DDD Assignments