April 1, 2000

The Phorum for this week is a "Nuts and Bolts" type of assignment. No, this doesn't mean you get to go to pieces and take off on us! What it means is that we need to see your progress on your various projects. Here's the format.

Action Research Methodologies

In the Phorum entitled Portfolio iMET 1, we have a thread for Action Research Questions. In this thread, you are to post your preliminary or updated AR methodologies based on your last TI advising session. Mike will comment on these during the week.


In the Phorum entitled Protfolio iMET 1, we have a thread for you to post your Portfolio URLs. Post your progress and we will make comments and suggestions. Any CSUS cohort student may be looking these over and providing feedback, comments and suggestions.

Reviews of Literature

Getting early comments on your literature reviews can be a valuable way to save time later. We can comment on the organization of your writing and make suggestions regarding the cohesiveness as you move from theme-to-theme. Below, for example, is the APA general heading format you should use for a literature review with four levels.

More specifically, reread the web on Casings to review the general-to-specific format. Each new casing explained in that web would be a new theme in a level 2 heading. Sub-themes of each casing would be indicated as level 3 headings. There may not be any level 4 headings, but if they emerge, the format is shown below.

Email your in-progress writing to the Amigos in Word. One of us will comment on your work.

Beanie takes you back to DDD Assignments