The local iMET clock on the webwall...

Date (In Mike's Office)
Time for different perspectives.

April 26, 2001

7:00 Arrival and greetings (Time for bantering and checking in)

7:15 Assignments for the evening.

The Discussion Groups The Tasks and Discussion Topics
  • Christie
  • Alix
  • Rob
  • Julie
  • Antares


  • Cathie
  • Wendy
  • Marco
  • Mica
  • Jeff


  • David
  • Gail
  • Laverne
  • Scotty
  • Deborah
  • Richard


7:20 - 8:30 

Tonight, you'll be presenting one of the Product artifacts for review and suggestions.  This will give you the opportunity to get feedback on an artifact that you may have revised or developed recently.

You might take this opportunity to present a product that is an off-shoot of one that was done as an assignment .  This could, for example, be a database which has a different subject than one you did in the applications course but which meets the guidelines and is based on what you learned with the first database.  It also might be where you took the original product and converted it to a web-based product.  Here, for example, we're  thinking of San Juan and Rio Linda where they may have taken a HyperStudio product and changed it to a web-based product.  There may be similar cases with you iMETters.  All feedback would, of course, be there as support in your portfolios.

8:30 Break

8:45 Meet back in MikeM's office for final comments.

You may use the reflection scaffold if you choose.  Recall, that four products require reflection.

Various scaffolds, including the reflection scaffold, are linked to the main outline for the Culminating Experience course and to the Review web.

9:30 That's a wrap!