Problem Solving and Project Development Title

Course Description | Schedules | The WebQuest Project | The Portfolio | iMET Home

Updated on July 22, 2001

Note that this class will be time intensive.  However, the semester project is not due until the second week in August.

Dates Format Hours
07/11/01 TI 3
07/12/01 TI 3
07/13/01 F2F 4
07/14/01 F2F 8
07/15/01 Phorum 3
07/18/01 TI 3
07/19/01 TI 3
07/22/01 Phorum 3
07/26/01 TI 3
07/27/01 F2F 4
07/28/01 F2F 8
Total Hours   45

The table above provides a nutshell view for planning purposes.  The course syllabus appears below.

Format Activity
TI July 11- 12 1/10/01 


F2F July 13-14 Friday Evening: 

Saturday Morning

Saturday Afternoon

Got Vygotsky?

Phorum July 15


Getting started with John Dewey

Full Text Dewey (Online version)

TI  July 18-19


Readings in Action Research

  • Chapters 1-2
  • Discussions: Areas of Focus



Phorum July 22

John Dewey and Problem Solving

TI July 26


Readings in Action Research

F2F July 27-28

Friday Evening

Saturday Morning

WebQuests: Presentations of in-progress work for peer reviews and reflections.

Library Research

  • The CSUS library is open from 10 am - 2 pm.

Saturday Afternoon


3:00-4:00 Survey

  • Mike


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