The Whack Strikes Back!

In A Whack on the Side of the Head, Roger Von Oech (1998) explains how the fool looks at the world. Rather than consulting a wise Oracle, Von Oech sometimes urges the reader to look at a problem and say, "It's not what everyone thinks it is" (p. 122).  Can others possibly have another perspective?

Your Task: Form a team and attend to the following task:  Try to "...think of all the different types of thinking there are" (p. 39).  

1) Make a list of no less than 18 items.  

2) Divide the list into two obvious and logical groups.

Present your original, undivided list (the one from step 1 above) to another team. The other team must arrange the list into two obvious and logical groups.

Here is the procedure:

Your team may be presented with some interesting ways to look at things.  Proceed with your ideas with a fresh perspective.

Von Oech, R. (1998). A Whack on the Side of the Head. Warner Books, Inc., New York.