July 19, 2001

The local WebQuest time ...

Time to line up all your ducks!

7:00 Arrival and greetings (Time for bantering)

7:15 Check-in 

Very cool mouse tapping in for the evening.

7:25 Assignments for the evening.

There are three events for the evening:

The Discussion Groups The Tasks and Discussion Topics
Kay- Leader
  • Doug
  • Kim

  • Yvonne

  • Kevin


Ashleigh- Leader
  • Gerald 
  • Andrew 
  • Emily
  • Joe
Matt- Leader
  • Chris C.
  • Roberta 
  • RJ
  • Ryan 

Henry- Leader

  • Chris W.
  • Jack
  • Christie



Review the WebQuest page. Is it possible that the WebQuest you develop could also be a part of your action research project? The WebQuest is not due to be uploaded until mid-August. That may give you plenty of time in the fall to prepare your students, take them through the Webquest you and your partners design, and collect some data. Consider the possibility.

7:25 - 7:50 Leaders need to facilitate in selecting a recorder for the group.

Each participant should provide at least one WebQuest for the group to critique.  It is not necessary to be in a group with your WebQuest partner.  Critical feedback is needed. 

7:50 - 8:10

In your groups, discuss each potential WebQuest. Refine them by asking questions or giving suggestions. Consider also teaming up. We will present these to the larger group.

8:10 Search for possible Internet resources and support each other's WebQuest concept.

  • Use the Internet and conduct a search for possible resources that will support your WebQuest. A Google search might do the trick. Bookmark your resources and share them with others with similar ideas. They may come in handy later.

8:30 Take a break.

8:40 - 9:00  In preparation for the final discussions tonight, check the remainder of the agenda for the evening.

WebQuests and Problem Solving

8:40 Discussions

  1. Kay's group
  2. Ashleigh's group
  3. Matt's group
    • Critique from the larger group
  4. Henry's group

9:00 Potential grouping changes: Use this time to establish possible regroupings with others interested in similar WebQuest topics.

9:15 Circle in W1712.

9:30 That's a wrap!

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