A little about Cocoa...

When Cocoa was first developed by Apple Computer, it was described as an innovative way to build simulation games and embed them into web pages. Cocoa is the developmental version of Stagecast Creator, and it is characterized as software that "... lets people of all ages develop cool games, interactive stories, engaging lessons and other simulations..." in creative places called "Worlds". You should make up your own mind about Cocoa. I encourage you to take the Stagecast Tour to find out more about this exceptional problem-solving application.

The Cocoa that we're going to use in the face-to-face session is the evaluation release.  You can download Stagecast for Macintosh or Windows for free.  There are also some very nice tutorials available at the Stagecast download site.

The most basic things to know...

You've just created a World with objects in it. You've made an object obey your rule. Now you're ready to use the "Cocoa Basics Tutorial" located in the Cocoa folder. It's a PDF document that will take you well beyond this simple lesson. It will, as well, make you wonder just how your students and staff can use this fascinating problem-solving application in a classroom. You should also imagine how you can integrate this application into the curriculum in a seamless way. We will discuss more of this in class.

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