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Professional Activities, April-June 2023


Tyler M. Argüello (School of Social Work) has a new publication, co-authored with new Assistant Professor Judith Leitch, Leitch, J., McGeogh, B., & Argüello, T. M. (2023), a thematic analysis of mental health providers’ practices with sexual and gender minority clients in the Journal of Gay and Lesbian Mental Health. Read the advance online publication. DOI: 10.1080/19359705.2023.2213668. 

Maria Jaoudi, Ph.D., (Humanities and Religious Studies), presented at the Harvard Divinity School conference, The Evolution of Spirituality, on "Cultivating Spiritual Experience: The Chan Buddhist Ox-Herding Pictures," held April 26-29.

Shawna Malvini Redden, (Communication Studies), presented a research paper at the Qualitative Research in Management conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico, April 4-6. Her presentation, titled “Researching and Writing About Online Sexual Harassment: Employing Empathy, Deep Listening, and Observation to Stay Close to Lived Experiences,” discussed trauma-informed approaches to researching online sexual harassment among coworkers.

Shawna Malvini Redden, (Communication Studies), and her colleague Jennifer Scarduzio from the University of Kentucky published the paper "Mysteries, Battles, and Games: Exploring Agency in Metaphors About Sexual Harassment" in Management Communication Quarterly. The article examines how people frame sexual harassment reporting experiences and offers numerous research-based recommendations for organizations to improve their handling of sexual harassment reports.

Danielle Slakoff, (Criminal Justice), was featured in the new Vice News Report titled “The rise of true crime.” In it, Dr. Slakoff is shown teaching her Media, Crime, and Justice course, and having a sit-down interview in the University Library. Some of the topics Dr. Slakoff covered are the “gathering space” that true crime has become, the glorification of perpetrators in the media, and the growth of true crime podcasting. Watch here.

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