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Professional Activities, July-September 2022


Cynthia Linville (English) had 17 poems and 11 photographs published 2021-22 in Al-Khemica Poetica and in Medusa's Kitchen. Her poem "Pentecost" was nominated for a Best of the Net award in 2021.

Eliza Morris (Physics and Astronomy) is the principal investigator on a newly funded grant from the National Science Foundation Improving Undergraduate STEM Education: Education and Human Resources program (NSF IUSE:EHR). The grant involves co-principal investigators across multiple Sac State colleges: Mikkel Herholdt Jensen (Physics and Astronomy), Vera Margoniner (Physics and Astronomy), and Bita Rivas (College of Education). Over the coming years, the $300,000 grant, “Comparing student success, team dynamics, and cost in three different active learning formats in undergraduate physics education,” will fund the implementation of three active learning models in lower-division Physics courses, and will support a multiyear research study to compare the cost and efficacy of the different models.

Deborah Finn-Romero (School of Nursing) was selected as one of nine nurses nationwide to participate in a yearlong “Social Determinants of Health and Social Change Leadership Academy." Finn-Romero was chosen through a competitive application process for her dedicated work in social determinants of health and social change. The goal of the program is to bring about positive social change through focused professional development and to equip current nursing education and interprofessional leaders to lead in preparing future care providers to confidently and competently promote social change, advance health equity, and to provide outstanding culturally sensitive care while focusing on systems and structures that advance the health of our nation and the global community. The program is a key element of a groundbreaking collaboration between the National League for Nursing and Walden University College of Nursing.

Lindy Valdez (Kinesiology) presented “Examining the Deficits LGBQ+ High School Student-Athletes Experience Campus Experiences That May Hinder Them from Achieving Success” during the 22nd International Conference on Diversity in Organizations, Communities, and Nations, at the University Of Curaçao, Willemstad, Curaçao, June 2-4.

Jian-zhong "Joe" Zhou (University Library) is a co-author of an article about student-initiated general education courses "DeCals" at UC Berkeley. The citation of the article is: The Initiative of General Education at the University of California Berkeley. Higher Education Development and Evaluation, 2022, v.38;No.182(04) 73-81+122.

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