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Professional Activities, October-December 2022


Tyler M. Argüello (Social Work) has collaborated with national LGBTQ+ scholars, all of whom additionally have served several years on the Council on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity and Expression (CSOGIE) of the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE), the accrediting body for social work programs. This new empirical publication — the first of its kind in social work — addresses a long-standing problem around accredited social work programs. This research project involved several Sac State MSW students and alumni. The publication is as follows: 

Kristen A. Prock, Daniel C. Cavanaugh, Cristy E. Cummings, Christopher Russo, Drejul Aersolon, Lucas R. Prieto and Tyler M. Argüello (2022) "Do we practice what we preach?: Exclusionary LGBTQ+ policy at religiously-affiliated institutions of higher education with CSWE-accredited social work programs," Social Work Education, DOI: 10.1080/02615479.2022.2149392

Diego Bonilla (Communication Studies) has a modular virtual reality project titled Uku Pacha that has completed a year of film festival participation. Uku Pacha won two awards for Best Virtual Reality Film, received two honorable mentions, and became an official selection in 16 more festivals in different countries. Bonilla’s modular filmmaking consists of authoring a computer program that will edit many variations of a film, in this case a virtual reality film, based on its story and viewers' preferences. To watch the VR film on a personal device, use headphones and open this link on the YouTube app. To watch the film on VR visors, use the same link on the visor’s YouTube app or look for Uku Pacha on Oculus TV. For detailed information visit, the project’s website.

Diego Bonilla (Communication Studies) had a generative poem, Big Data, published in Electronic Literature Collection, Volume 4 by the Electronic Literature Organization. Big Data was a finalist for the 2021 Coover Award for best electronic literary piece.

Darcy Fudge Kamal (Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship) and her co-authors Cristina Nistor and Charu Sinha published Coming out ahead while losing a partner: the Thoroughbred industry stays on course in the Journal of Business Strategy.

Kazue Masuyama (World Languages and Literatures) served as the College Board’s Chief Reader (CR) for the AP Japanese Language and Culture Exam and presented Results from the 2022 AP Japanese Language and Culture Exam at the virtual AP Annual Conference on Oct. 6. Masuyama also conducted the half-day workshop "Self-Regulate Learning Activities" to promote learners’ motivation and autonomy (with Mieko Avello) at the Annual Fall Meeting of the Northern California Japanese Teachers’ Association (NCJTA) on Oct. 8.

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