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Professional Activities, January-March 2022


Eliza Morris (Physics and Astronomy) gave two presentations at the annual American Physical Society March Meeting, held March 12-18. One presentation, “An autism spectrum disorder-related risk gene impacts gut tissue mechanics and the gut microbiome in Drosophila melanogaster,” describes experimental research into the role of intestinal tissue mechanics in neuronal development, and is a collaboration between Dr. Morris, Dr. Mikkel Herholdt Jensen (Physics and Astronomy), Dr. Kimberly Mulligan and Dr. Robert Crawford (Biological Sciences), and researchers at San Jose State University. The second presentation, “In-class hierarchical team model as a no-cost strategy to improve student success: Integrated peer leadership program,” describes a novel instructional model recently developed and published by Dr. Morris, Dr. Jensen, and Dr. Sayonita Ghosh-Hajra (Mathematics and Statistics).

Dr. Lindy Valdez (Kinesiology) presented his research, “Common Factors of the Best Elementary Schools in California," at the 20th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education held from January 3-6.

PJ Carlino, (Design Studies) was awarded Best Paper by the Journal of Interior Design for his March 2021 article “Tied to the Desk:  Furniture and the Somatic Experience of Office Work, 1870-1920.”

Dr. Mikkel Herholdt Jensen (Physics and Astronomy) presented their work, “An autism spectrum disorder-related risk gene impacts gut tissue mechanics and the gut microbiome in Drosophila melanogaster,” at the international 66th Annual Biophysical Society Meeting, held Feb. 19-22. The work describes experimental research uncovering a novel connection between intestinal tissue mechanics and neuronal development. The work is a collaboration between Sac State Physics and Astronomy (Dr. Jensen and Dr. Eliza Morris), Sac State Biological Sciences (Dr. Kimberly Mulligan and Dr. Robert Crawford), as well as researchers at San Jose State University. 

Tyler M. Argüello, chair and associate professor in the Division of Social Work, published a solo-authored theoretical/empirical manuscript entitled “HIV Stress Exchange: Queer men, intergenerational stress, and intimacy amidst the time of HIV,” in the Journal of Homosexuality. This study speaks to how HIV is exchanged through everyday communication practices and intergenerational stress. It also shows how HIV continues to affect queer men today. Finally, it outlines a new practice, theory, and empirical framework, HIV Stress Exchange, in order to make clinical and applied practices more HIV-informed and queer-affirmative.

Jamie Kneitel, Biological Sciences, published a paper with an international cast of researchers assessing the control of climate on global diversity found in wetlands.

Curtis Dean Smith, World Languages and Literatures, was accepted to participate in the Immersive Global Middle Ages NEH Institute for Advanced Topics in the Digital Humanities (2022-2023).

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