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Professional Activities, January-March 2023


Ben Amata (University Library) is the 2023 recipient of the Bernadine Abbott Hoduski Founders Award for Federal Government Information. The American Library Association’s Government Documents Round Table award recognizes individuals who have made significant contributions to the field of local, state, national, or international government document librarianship and recognizes those whose contributions have benefited the profession, influencing the field beyond an individual’s institution.

Tyler M. Argüello (Social Work) (he / él) gave a "Brief & Brilliant" talk (TED Talk-style speech) at the 2023 annual conference of the Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR). His talk, entitled "Contagious communication: HIV Stress Exchange and the (queer) transmission of intergenerational stress," is based on his ongoing research and clinical work. His scholarship centers language and communicative practices to interrogate and address HIV and mental/health inequities of Queer populations. The talk can be found here.

Diego Bonilla (Communication Studies) will be the keynote speaker at the VII Encuentro Iberoamericano de Investigadores de Narrativas Audiovisuales (VII Ibero-American Meeting of Audiovisual Narratives Researchers) to take place in the city of Trujillo, Peru, on June 1-3. This year's congress is titled: "Stories and Narratives for the World."

Jeffrey Dym's (History) short film "Pilgrimage Addiction" received the Grand Prize, Amateur Division, at the 16th annual Shikoku (Japan) Content Video Festival. The 3-minute film highlights the more-than-1,000 kilometer Ohenro Pilgrimage, which circumnavigates the island of Shikoku and which Dym walked during his 2018 sabbatical.

Jamie Kneitel (Biological Sciences) and an international group of researchers published the paper, Searching for the Achilles heel(s) for maintaining invertebrate biodiversity across complexes of depressional wetlands in the Journal of Nature Conservation. This study evaluated data throughout North and South America to determine how climate change and habitat loss will potentially affect biodiversity in wetlands.

Mary Mackey, Ph.D. (English) has just had a new nonfiction book, Creativity, published by Marsh Hawk Press. Creativity is an account of Mackey's search to find the source of the ideas that have inspired her to write eight collections of poetry and fourteen novels told in a way that will encourage other writers, artists, musicians, and — for that matter, physicists — to find their own unique paths to inspiration. It was recently favorably reviewed in Poetry Flash Literary Magazine.

Rohollah Moghadam (Electrical and Electronic Engineering) was elevated to the grade of IEEE senior member.

Lindy Valdez, Ed.D. (Kinesiology) presented "Students’ and Faculty Expectations of Email Communication,” at the 21st annual Hawaii International Conference on Education from Jan. 3-6, in Honolulu, Hawaii.

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