Tools and the Curriculum

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Updated: September 22, 2001 (7:53 pm) 

Jump to face-to-face schedule for September.

Week Dates Format   What's Due? Readings
3 9/12/01 Optional TI in lieu of Halloween Concept Attainment presentations    
3 9/14/2001 F2F Research: Modules 1 & 2

Module 1

Module 2

Research: Read Modules 1 & 2: Do assignments in the text.

Temporary posting area:

Locate 3 pieces of primary literature related to your topic. Cite the title, author(s), date of publication, journal/publication source, summary of the abstract. Summarize one article. Summarize the results. Briefly describe the research design/process. Briefly discuss how the article contributes to your understanding of your topic. Post to Phorum by 9/22/01.

Note: Each week’s assignment is worth 10 points. The action research plan is worth 50 points.

Understanding & Conducting Research in Education

Chapters 1 & 2 (pdf)

Chapters 1 & 2 (Word)

4 9/19/2001 TI Tools Taskstream Start database mini-assignment  
4 9/20/2001 TI Research Module 3 Research: Describe your study using one of the quantitative research designs. Post to Phorum by 9/29. Chap. 4, p. 29 only &  Chap. 5 pp. 37-84
5 9/23/2001 Phorum Tools: The Great Debate

Research: Module 4


Research: Do exercises in text, pp. 117 & 123. Post to Phorum by 9/29; be prepared to discuss at TI, 10/4. Chapter 7
6 10/3/2001 TI Tools Simulations In TI, prepare a position statement on the use of simulations in the classroom. Joyce and Weil, Chapter 21
6 10/4/2001 TI Research Module 5 Research: Complete the sampling exercises, p. 109. Prepare to discuss at TI, 10/4. Chapter 6
7 10/7/2001 Phorum Tools: Simulations Follow-up

Research: Module 6


Database mini-assignment: Submit to colleague by 10/13/01

Research: Describe how you will use 2 or more of the discussed strategies to collect data for your action research project. Post to Phorum by 10/14.

Research: Chaps. 9 & 10
8 10/17/2001 TI Tools
  1. Advance Organizer
  2. Using Data
  1. Start spreadsheet assignment
  2. Give feedback to colleague by 10/20/01
8 10/18/2001 TI Research Research: Module 8 Research: Describe your topic using one of the qualitative research designs. Prepare to discuss in TI; post revised version to Phorum by 10/21. Chap. 8
9 10/21/2001 Phorum Tools: Inquiry-based Training

Research: Module 7

Research: Develop your own questionnaire for your research project (no more than 20 questions, excluding demographics). Field-test it with an iMET colleague. Post to Phorum by 10/28. Chapter 5 pp. 85-98
10 10/31/2001 TI Tools (Maybe cancelled) ????????????? Spreadsheet mini-assignment: Submit to colleague by 11/3/01  
10 11/1/2001 TI Research Module 9 Research: Complete exercises in slide presentation; be prepared to discuss in TI. Chapters 11 - 13
11 11/4/2001 Phorum Tools: Digital Portfolios

Research: AR Update- Connecting with Geni's work. Module 10

  1. Start word processing mini-assignment
  2. Give feedback to colleague by 11/10/01

Develop project

Research: Describe your project using the Action Research model. Post to Phorum by 11/11/01.

Research: Chapter 4 pp. 32-36
12 11/14/2001 TI Tools What have we learned about tools?
  1. Submit word processing mini-assignment by 11/17/01
  2. Give feedback to colleague by 11/21/01
12 11/15/2001 TI Research More Action Research Research: Q & A; Discussion of project descriptions. TBA
13 11/18/2001 Phorum The Computer Delusion    
14 11/28/2001 TI Tools and Research Online Presentations of semester assignment Research: Present your Action Research project.  
14 11/30/2001 F2F      
15 12/2/2001 Phorum Communication Age & Wrap-Up    
Total Hours         

Friday, September 14, 2001 Saturday, September 15, 2001
  • Check in

Wise words from Mary-Ann:

How would we represent our professions? What is the professional vision that each holds? What values are embedded in that vision? How does each define his/her practice? What is each student's definition of powerful teaching and learning?

  • iMET Reflections: Behind the icons
    1. Professional vision
    2. Professional values
    3. Professional practice
    4. Professional statement of powerful teaching and learning
  • Capture the above on posters with four quadrants.  Transfer the professional statement of powerful teaching and learning to a Word document for distribution.

6:00 - 6:45

Distributed Intelligence: Comments in Word

6:45 - 6:55  Active Criticism Protocol

6:55 - 7:30  Dinner break: Brown Bag

Candlelighting to honor victims of terrorist attack.

7:35 - 8:15

Group Presentations: 

  • Group 1
  • Group 2

8:15 - 8:50 Critical Feedback: Concept Attainment

8:50 Circle



Breakfast on your own.


  • Check in
  • iMET Song


Feedback Journal

  • Where did the piece come from? 
    • Phorum?
    • TI?
    • Listserver?
    • Email?
    • Personal discussion?
    • Group critique?
  • Capture the piece.  (Cut and paste)
  • Why is it feedback?
  • What are the attributes that make the piece important? 
    • Who says?
    • So what?
    • Can you show us?
  • Critical Feedback Journal Tool

10:45-11:00 Break

11:00 - Noon

  • Dr. Geni

Noon-1:00 (Lunch)

1:00 - 2:00 Dr. Geni on educational research

2:00 Break

2:15 - 3:00 Dr. Geni's concluding remarks.


Tools and the Curriculum Assignments

Community of learners (if we have time)

  • What are the fundamentals of online pedagogy?
  • Five groups
    • Organize the fundamentals
      • Grouping common properties
      • Distillation of concept
        • Major methods of communication?
