

Students in the iMET program must be comfortable with the use of  word processors, databases and spreadsheets.  These three application tools will often connect with the strategies identified in Joyce and Weil, particularly the Inductive Strategy, Synectics, Concept Attainment, Inquiry and Simulation.  Establishing a comfort level and gaining competence takes time and motivation, therefore, a three-tiered system of competencies for each application is presented here.  Students are expected to identify a base comfort level from the descriptions below and work toward greater competency with each tool as mini-assignments are completed. In this way, all students can progress in relation to their predefined levels of comfort and establish increasingly complex levels of competence.

The Competencies:

Categories Database Spreadsheet Word Processor


At the novice level, it is not necessary to use this mini-assignment in an instructional setting.

Click for the explanation of what and when to submit.

Open, create and save a database

  • Define basic text and number fields
  • Enter data
  • Sort records
  • Find records

Open, create and save a spreadsheet

  • Enter data
  • Format cells
  • Enter formulas
  • Arrange cells
  • Size columns
  • Copy and paste
  • Create a simple spreadsheet utility

Create and open a word processing document

  • Adding and formatting text
  • Spelling and grammar checks
  • Copying, pasting and moving text and objects
  • Finding and replacing
  • Editing
  • Using the thesaurus


At the performance level, the mini-assignment may be used in the context of an instructional setting.

Click for the explanation of what and when to submit.

Create a simple database

  • Design a a lesson plan that incorporates the use of a database
  • Sort, find and filtering strategies
  • Forms for entering data

Create and use spreadsheets as a utility such as a simple gradebook

  • Create charts
  • Insert maps
  • Relative and absolute reference
  • Alignment, borders and protection

Create and open word processing documents

  • Templates
  • Special formatting with tabs and indents
  • Comments
  • Tracking changes
  • Paragraph formatting and margins
  • Connecting word processing with the writing process
  • Adding images and links
  • Saving as HTML

Expert / Mentor

At the expert / mentor level, the mini-assignment should be designed to be used in the context of an instructional setting.

Click for the explanation of what and when to submit.

Teach others to create and use a database

  • Search strategies
  • Queries
  • Reports
  • Hyperlinks
  • Relational databases
  • Design and use a database for use with an established teaching strategy

Teach others to create and use spreadsheets for utilities and lessons

  • Linking worksheets
  • Hyperlinks
  • Conditional formatting
  • Advanced formulas
  • Analyzing data

Teach others the use of word processing across the curriculum

  • Embed and / or link files
  • OLE
  • Stylesheets
  • Headers and footers
  • Pagination, date and time
  • Special symbols, characters and publishing effects
  • Use of tables
  • Bookmarks


The Three Mini-Assignments: 

Each assignment is to be considered a separate task.

The Database:

Begin on September 19 Submit to colleague by October 13 Provide feedback by October 20
  1. Reflection and analysis
  2. Provision of a product
  3. Submission of  the product for feedback
  4. Distribution to colleagues


    The Spreadsheet:

Begin on October 17 Submit to colleague by  November 3 Provide feedback by November 10
  1. Reflection and analysis
  2. Provision of a product
  3. Submission of  the product for feedback
  4. Distribution to colleagues

The Word Processor:

Begin on November 4 Submit to colleague by  November 17 Provide feedback by November 21
  1. Reflection and analysis
  2. Provision of a product
  3. Submission of  the product for feedback
  4. Distribution to colleagues