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Our Board and Governance
The Renaissance Society

Board Business
Here are current Board documents. These are for Board members and meetings, but all Renaissance members are welcome to take a look!
Here are some important documents relating to the Renaissance Society.
Budget Information
Board Election Procedures
Board and Committee Descriptions
Board of Directors
The Board of Directors shall be the policy-making body of the Society. All decisions shall be consistent with Sac State policy. The Board shall also adopt by a majority vote such Standing Rules as are necessary to carry out the objectives of the Society. The voting members shall consist of the 4 elected officers; the immediate past president; the elected members-at-large; and the chairs of all standing committees. The Dean of the College of Social Sciences and Interdisciplinary Studies, the Associate Vice President of Finance and Financial Services and/or a designated representative from these offices or the office of the President, Sacramento State, shall be ex-officio non-voting members of the Board.
Standing Committees’ Purposes
The membership, roles and responsibilities, specific functions and operations of the Standing Committees are described and maintained in each respective committee’s Protocol, and Policies and Procedures Manual. The committee purposes described below can be found in each respective Standing Committee’s Protocol.
Administration and Finance
Review and recommend improvements to the RS administrative structures, policies and practices and review and adopt fiscal policies and procedures that comply with standards for non-profit organizations. Provide support and assistance to the Controller who chairs the Committee.
Communications and Marketing
Develop, implement, measure and maintain consistent, active and comprehensive communication and marketing strategy to all members and stakeholders for the purposes of recruitment, program messaging, fundraising, awareness and branding. Prepare the Weekly Update email. Collect information and articles, write, edit and publish 11 issues of The Recorder newsletter.
Make decisions and selections of Forum speakers each semester. Invite speakers to present at the Forums, introduce speakers, prepare thank-you messages for speakers and facilitate the implementation of the Forums.
Long-Range Planning
Coordinate the strategic planning process and monitor its implementation. Project one to five years in the future and evaluate all means toward strengthening current programs and developing innovative programs for the future that will meet the intellectual, cultural and social needs of Renaissance Society members. Study and assess issues referred by the Board that are related to the needs of The Renaissance Society and prepare recommendations for Board consideration and approval.
Membership, Diversity and Community Engagement
Insure that all functions necessary to recruit and maintain membership are carried out. Develop and implement efforts to be a diverse, inclusive, and engaged partner with the CSUS and greater Sacramento communities.
Recruit, screen and interview candidates for the purpose of recommending a slate of eligible candidates to stand for election as officers or as Members-at-Large of the Renaissance Society Board of Directors.
Plan and direct all aspects of the peer-to-peer learning program of the RS, with the exception of the Forums. Deliver programs and speakers that are of the highest caliber possible and continue to improve over time. Help plan the Open House event at the beginning of each academic semester and staff the Help Desk the first two Fridays of each semester.
Resource Development
Initiate, support and coordinate all resource development activities of the Renaissance Society. This includes solicitation of both financial and in-kind donations from Renaissance members for scholarship and special projects. Plan and coordinate a comprehensive donor recognition program.
Provide financial scholarships to select Sac State students in any field of study for both undergraduate and graduate students. Establish a set of stringent criteria for the selection of scholarship recipients. Select scholarship recipients using the established criteria and the students’ demonstration of financial need.
Advocate, advance and provide assistance and support in the use of technology within the Renaissance Society and by its members. Develop and maintain the RS Website as a source of information about the programs and activities of the RS for the membership and the communitycommunity, as well as the memberment enrollment and program registration systems.
Volunteer Services
Support the Sac State Theater and Dance Departments by recruiting Renaissance members as volunteer ushers for student productions. Support the Gerontology Department by recruiting Renaissance members to mentor students in Gerontology 121 classes. Support the ASI Food Pantry by collecting and reporting funds raised online and during monthly in-person solicitations.