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CHRS Training & Instructions
Welcome to CHRS Training!
HR is excited to introduce you to the new Common Human Resources System (CHRS). Learning is offered through various formats and most live training sessions will be scheduled around the "go live" date of March 24, 2025 (available through the HR Events calendar).
Quick Links to Training, Job Aids, Payroll Deadline Notifications
Access CHRS
Common Human Resources System (CHRS) is a single Human Resource access data management system for all 23 universities in the CSU system, plus the Chancellor’s Office. CHRS upgrades campuses to PeopleSoft 9.2 (from 9.0 which is no longer supported) with modifications built by the Chancellor's Office.
Accessing CHRS (Available After Go-Live, March 24, 2025)
- Log in to My Sac State from a computer using your SacLink account and password
- Login requires 2-Step Verification with Duo
- Mobile devices: 1) Ensure you have Duo setup on your mobile device first. 2) Open My Sac State via an internet browser. 3) Login requires 2-Step Verification with Duo. 4) Select the "Go to Employee Portal" button.
- Select Common Human Resources System (CHRS)
Watch the CHRS Navigation Introduction to learn how to create Favorites and Sign Out
Review features available in Employee Self-Service
CSU Time for Employees
These options are available to Faculty, Lecturers, Staff, Managers, Graduate Assistants (GAs), Teaching Assistants (TAs), and Salaried Employees
Navigating to CSU Time for Employees
- Log in to My Sac State Portal
- From Employee Quick Links, select Common Human Resources System (CHRS).
- From the Employee Self Service drop-down, select Employee Self Service
- From the Employee Self-Service Screen, select CSU Time.
CSU Time Instructions and Video Tutorials
With CSU Time, you can perform a variety of tasks. Detailed instructions and step-by-step video tutorials for each task are available through the links below.
- CSU Report No Leave Taken - report by pay period (month), rather than by day or by week
- Request and Manage Absences - request in advance, review weekly
- Timesheet to Enter Hours Worked and Special Time - enter daily
- Student Assistant Time Entry
- View Paycheck and Compensation History > Cal Employee Connect
- View Maximum Vacation and CTO Caps - Note: CHRS does not notify you when you reach or exceed your vacation maximum. Please use vacation and CTO prior to reaching to the cap to avoid forfeiting hours.
- If you are reporting an absence and you do not have leave accruals, please report your absence as DOCK.
- Sabbatical or Difference in Pay (DIP) Leave: Report No Leave Taken (NLT) for the applicable time period. Entries may be made in advance.
- Calculating Fractional Hours (WTU – FTE) for reporting time
Faculty Early Retirement Program (FERP) Faculty
- A Faculty Early Retirement Program (FERP) faculty member is a type of rehired annuitant. FERP faculty are retired tenured faculty who opt to participate in FERP.
- Faculty in the Faculty Early Retirement Plan (FERP) who accrue sick time and personal holidays report absences using the Request Absences option.
- Faculty Early Retirement Program (FERP) - Pursuant to Unit 3, Article 29, FERP employees may elect to carry over up to forty-eight (48) hours of sick leave into the FERP appointment and shall continue to accrue eight (8) hours sick leave per qualifying academic pay period or qualifying pay period during the period of employment. Such accrual shall be pro rata for less than full-time participants. A maximum of 160 hours of sick leave may be accrued during FERP. Twelve-month FERP employees are eligible to earn vacation benefits in accordance with the CBA. FERP participants are entitled to a Personal Holiday, pursuant to the Faculty MOU.
Rehired Annuitants / Retired Annuitants
- Rehired Annuitants, except FERP, do not accrue time and therefore do not report No Leave Taken (NLT). Because this employee group does not accrue time, please report DOCK for any absences.
- If a Rehired Annuitant--or a lecturer who is a Rehired Annuitant--misses class (such as being out sick), the department timekeeper or approver/manager will need to enter the absence on their behalf (because Rehired Annuitants do not have access in CHRS to Absence Management).
Student Employee & Hourly Time Reporting
Navigating to CSU Time for Student Employees & Hourly Time Reporting
- Log in to My Sac State Portal
- From Employee Quick Links, select Common Human Resources System (CHRS).
- From the Employee Self-Service Screen, select CSU Time.
- You will be directed to the Enter Time Page. Select your job from the Job Title drop-down menu.
- Note: "Job Row #" in CHRS was called "Empl Record Number" in CMS-HR.
CSU Time for Student Employees & Hourly Time Reporting Instructions and Video Tutorials
With CSU Time, you can perform a variety of tasks. Detailed instructions and step-by-step video tutorials for each task are available through the links below. Timesheet entry is sometimes called Elapsed Time and Payable Time in the job aids. Please enter time worked at the end of each day.
- Student Assistant Time Entry
- Instructional Student Assistant (ISA) Time Entry
- Hourly Employee Time Entry
Teaching Associate (TA) and Graduate Assistant (GA) Absence Management
Timekeeper Resources
Timekeeper and Approver Primary Roles
Our new Common Human Resources System (CHRS) offers greater transparency! Timekeepers play a crucial role in CHRS, and are the first point of contact for employees to resolve Time & Labor (TL), Absence Management (AM), and No Leave Taken (NLT) issues. Department Timekeepers can reach out to Payroll for assistance as needed, but remain as the primary employee contact. Employees should be directed to their Timekeeper for assistance (rather than Payroll).
Best Practices
Time & Labor (TL) or Timesheet, Absences and No Leave Taken changes should be submitted by the Employee.
Timekeepers review for Approvers, notify Approvers when time is ready to Approve, provide support to Employees, and run reports.
Role Options
In CHRS, for Time & Labor, there are two primary roles: Timekeeper and Approver/Manager.
Timekeeper Role: Timekeeper role should be assigned to administrative staff that have a need to review time, query time, assist an employee with entering time, or assist an approver/manager with querying time.
Approver/Manager Role: Supervisors that have a need to approve time for pay will automatically be assigned the Approver/Manager role. The Approver/Manager role can review time submitted. (Time & Labor Payable Time Approver role = CHR_TL_Approver; prior e-timesheet approvers will be auto-assigned this time approver role.)
Timekeeper Activities, Weekly and Monthly
Review Employee Time (Timesheet) and request employees to make revisions as needed
Timekeeper Absence Review (if delegated by manager)
View No Leave Taken (NLT) Report (if delegated by manager)
Run Absence Management Reports
Chat/email Approver when CSU Time is ready to approve
Dock Notices to Payroll
Late Time Entry Notice to Payroll
Schedule Timesheet Review Reminders in Outlook or other tool
Approver/Manager Activities, Weekly and Monthly
Schedule Timesheet Approval Reminders in Outlook or other tool
Manage and Approve Payable Time (Timesheets)
Manage and Approve Absence Requests
Manage and Approve No Leave Taken (NLT)
Timekeeper and Approver/Manager Job Aids
These options are available for those with a Timekeeper (TK) or Approver/Manager (MGR) role.
Navigating to Timekeeper Options
- Log in to My Sac State Portal
- From Employee Quick Links, select Common Human Resources System (CHRS).
- Select the Navigation (Compass) Icon from the top-right in the Menu
- Select Manager Self-Service from the Menu
- The process of navigating to different options varies depends on your role. Select Timekeeper Role or Approver/Manager Role from the accordions below for more information.
If you have a Timekeeper (TK) role, you have access to CSU Absence TimeKeeper Review and CSU Create & Maintain Absences from the Manager Self Service screen. Some Timekeepers may also have Team Time and CSU Approve/Request NLT.
Timekeeper Instructions and Video
From the Manager Self Service screen, you can complete various actions. Instructions and step-by-step video tutorials on how to complete each action, can be found in the links below.
CSU Create & Maintain Absences
From CSU Create & Maintain Absences, you can complete the actions below:
Team Time
From Team Time, you can complete the actions below:
- Balance Inquiry - TK + MGR
- CSU Work Student Balance - TK
You will find additional options in the Navigation Menu (Compass Icon located at the top-right menu)
Navigation Menu (Compass Icon) > Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt
- Timekeeper Absence Review - TK
- Create & Maintain Absences - TK
- No Leave Taken Report - TK + MGR
Navigation Menu (Compass Icon) > Manager Self Service > Time Management > Report Time
- Review Employee Time (Timesheet) - TK + MGR
- Tip: Click on the Summary tab to review the total hours reported for the pay period and the weekly totals. Check that a student assistant did not enter more than 20 hours per week for the regular semester or 40 hours per week for summer, intercession, and academic breaks.
- Enter Time (Timesheet) for Employee - TK
- View Work Study Balance - TK + MGR
- Time Reporting Codes (TRC)
If you have a Approver/Manager role (MGR) role, you have access to Team Time and CSU Approve/Request NLT on the Manager Self Service screen.
Approver/Manager Instructions and Video Tutorials
From the Manager Self Service screen, you can complete various actions. Instructions and step-by-step video tutorials on how to complete each action can be found in the links below.
Tip #1: Save the following weekly actions as Favorites to make it easy to access in the future.
Tip #2: It is highly recommended that you review/approve entries on a WEEKLY basis as all absence entries and timesheets must be approved by the third calendar day after a pay period ends.
Tip #3: Schedule Timesheet Approval Reminders in Outlook or other tool
Weekly Actions
Manage and Approve Payable Time (Timesheets)
- Menu > Manager Self Service > Time Management > Approve Time and Exceptions > Payable Time. No tile is available to approve payable time; please add to favorites.
- Timesheet entries are completed daily, on the day the employee works/takes the time. No system notifications occur for approvers of timesheet / payable time.
Manage and Approve Absence Requests
- Menu > Manager Self Service > Time Management > Approve Time and Exceptions > Multiple Absence Requests. No tile is available to approve payable time; please add to favorites.
- NEW! Approvers will receive an email reminder when employees submit absence requests.
- Identified issue: Approvers are unable to view "Reviewed" entries in CHRS. Temporary workarounds: 1) Timekeepers take a screenshot of the page showing the Reviewed entries and email it to their approver, 2) managers go to the CSU Absence Timekeeper Review page, or 3) establish another communication method to share this information.
Manage and Approve No Leave Taken (NLT)
- Use CSU Approve/Request NLT tile, or
- Menu > Manager Self Service > CSU Manager Self Service > CSU MSS Approve NLT
- Employees submit NLT once per pay period
Manager Self Service > Team Time
- Balance Inquiry - TK + MGR
- View Team Absence Requests - MGR
- Approve Time (timesheet submissions) - MGR
- Request Absence for Employee - MGR
- Cancel Employee Absence - MGR
Manager Self Service > CSU Approve/Request NLT
- Approve No Leave Taken (NLT) [aka: CSU MSS Approve NLT] - MGR
- Enter No Leave Taken (NLT) for Employee [aka: CSU NLT Entry] - MGR
You will find additional options in the Navigation Menu (Compass Icon located at the top-right menu)
Navigation Menu (Compass Icon) > Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt
- No Leave Taken Report - TK + MGR
Navigation Menu (Compass Icon) > Manager Self Service > Time Management > Approve Time and Exceptions
- Payable Time (Timesheet Submissions) - MGR
- Approve Absence Requests - MGR
- Approve Cancelled Absences - MGR
Navigation Menu (Compass Icon) > Manager Self Service > Time Management > Report Time
- Review Employee Time (Timesheet) - TK + MGR
- Enter Time (Timesheet) for Employee - MGR
- View Work Study Balance - TK + MGR
- Time Reporting Codes (TRC)
- Request Absence for Employee - MGR
Navigation Menu (Compass Icon) > Manager Self Service > Time Management > View Time
- View Requests - MGR
- Absence Balances (for employees) - MGR
Navigation Menu (Compass Icon) > Manager Self Service > Time Management
- CSU Manager Balance Inquiry (same as Absence Balances) - MGR
Update Personal Details
Navigating to Personal Details
- Log in to My Sac State Portal
- From Employee Quick Links, select Common Human Resources System (CHRS).
- From the Employee Self Service drop-down, select Employee Self Service
- From the Employee Self-Service Screen, select CSU Personal Details
Personal Details Instructions and Video Tutorials
- Update Address
- Update Phone and Email
- Emergency Contacts
- Disability Status
- Veteran Status
- CSU Preferred Name
- CSU Paycheck Designee
- Note: You can view your new CHRS ID at the top of the CSU Paycheck Designee screen (as CHRS Person ID). The CHRS ID displays as Empl ID elsewhere in CHRS, and is different than your Sac State ID.
- CSU Ethnic Groups
Temporary Academic Employment
These options are available to Unit 3: Faculty, Lecturer appointments and Unit 11: Teaching Associate (TA), Graduate Assistant (GA), and Instructional Student Assistant (ISA) appointments
Navigating to CSU TAE
With CSU TAE, you can perform a variety of tasks. Detailed instructions and step-by-step video tutorials for each task are available through the links below.
- Log in to My Sac State Portal
- From Employee Quick Links, select Common Human Resources System (CHRS).
- From the Employee Self-Service Screen, select CSU TAE Appt Notice
CSU TAE Instructions and Video Tutorials
- View / Acknowledge Your Appointment Notification
- View Your Course Assignments
- Calculating Fractional Hours (WTU – FTE) for reporting time
CSU TAE Department Information
Unit 3 Faculty
- TAE Appointment for Lecturer - How to Enter
- Faculty Additional Employment – How to Enter
- Substitute Faculty Appointments – How to Enter
- TAE Appointment for Coach - How to Enter
- TAE Appointment for Counselor - How to Enter
- TAE Appointment for Librarian - How to Enter
Unit 11 Academic Student Employees
Note: Effective 3/24/2025, Recruitment of Unit 11 Academic Student Employees is through PageUp
- Instructional Student Assistant (ISA) Appointments - How to Enter
- Graduate Assistant (GA) Appointments - How to Enter
- Teaching Associate (TA) Appointment - How to Enter
- How to separate an academic student employee when their appointment has ended
Department Revisions, Reviewers and Approvers
- TAE Reviewers & Approvers – Approve Appointments
- TAE Appointment Revisions
- Sac State TAE Business Process Guides (Coming Soon!)
Recruiting and Hiring
Navigating to CHRS Recruiting
- Log in to My Sac State Portal
- From Employee Quick Links, select CHRS Recruiting - Page Up
- You will land on the CHRS Recruiting - Page Up Dashboard.

CHRS Recruiting User Guides and Videos
With Page Up (CHRS Recruiting), you can perform a variety of tasks. Detailed instructions and step-by-step video tutorials for each task are available through the links below.
Staff & Managers (MPP): CHRS Recruiting User Guides
Unit 3 Employees:
- Tenure Track Faculty - Recruitment Resources and Inclusive Hiring Toolkit and CHRS Recruiting User Guides (includes tenure-track librarians)
- Lecturer - Temporary Faculty Hiring business process guidance and CHRS Recruiting User Guides
- Other Unit 3 Employees (e.g., coaches, counselors, student services professional - academic related) - please email and request assistance
Unit 11 Employees:
- These options are available for Unit 11 Employees: Teaching Associate (TA), Graduate Assistant (GA), and Instructional Student Assistant (ISA) appointments - [new business process web page in development]
Student Assistants (Unit 15 Employees):
- Refer to Student Employment for recruiting (via Handshake), hiring (Student Employment Handbook and SEPTF), and separating (SEPTF) student assistants.
Benefits Self Service
Navigating to Benefit Options
- Log in to My Sac State Portal
- From Employee Quick Links, select Common Human Resources System (CHRS).
- From the Employee Self-Service Screen, select any of the Benefit tiles: CSU Benefits Summary, CSU Life Events, Hire/Newly Eligible Enrollment, Benefit Statements, CSYou Benefits.
Benefit Self-Service Instructions and Video Tutorials
Benefits options and choices are now completed online.
- CSU Benefits Summary
- New Hire or Newly Eligible Employee Benefits Enrollment
- CSU Life Event Self Service - to add/delete dependents, enroll/cancel benefits
- Open Enrollment (coming September 2025)
With CHRS there are multiple options for reporting. Reports are offered in the following priority order:
1. CHRS Delivered Reports
View No Leave Taken (NLT) Report
Since campus public queries are not migrating, Sac State's CHRS module leads will create private queries -- after Go Live -- to be shared with module users.
CSU-wide CHRS public queries will be available as CHRS evolves
2. Campus Reports
SACHR010 - Vacation Over Max
SACHR025 - Position Management Report (will include old and new CHRS position numbers)
Learn how to use Cognos Reporting - watch the Cognos Video Tour
If access is needed for campus reports, ask your department contact to submit a CARS request on your behalf for SAC_RPTHRALL
Special Notes:
- Cognos reports are based on the previous day's data snapshot imported into the data warehouse. Therefore, the information you see is usually one day behind the live data in CHRS.
- Six years of historical data will be imported into CHRS. For areas requiring archived historical data, a Cognos report will become available using a snapshot of CMS-HR data as of mid-March 2025.
3. QuickSight
CSU Systemwide delivered reports
4. Snowflake
CSU Systemwide delivered reports using campus-specific databases schema
Frequently Asked Questions
Time & Labor / Absence Management / Pay
- I am a Unit 11 (GA, TA, ISA) or Unit 3 (faculty, lecturer) employee and the system will not allow me to submit time. What do I do?
- First, View Appointment Notification to ensure all positions are acknowledged. If any acknowledgement is missing, select Acknowledge and submit.
- I did not get paid for all the hours I worked. Who do I contact?
- First, contact your department Timekeeper and ask them to review what you submitted in the system and what was approved. If a correction needs to be made, and the Timekeeper needs assistance, the Timekeeper can contact the Approver/Manager or Payroll for further assistance.
CHRS E-Courses
The following CHRS e-courses are available through CSU Learn.
For Employees
Updating Personal Profiles using Employee Self-Service
Navigate Benefits in Employee Self-Service
For Approvers/Managers and Timekeepers
Time, Labor and Absence Management for Managers and Timekeepers
Need Help?
With the implementation of the new Common Human Resources System, the contacts for specific roles and responsibilities may have changed. If the provided job aids do not answer your question, please reach out to the team using our comment link, enroll in training, or consult the resources available on the CHRS main page.
Tiered support and learning is offered through:
- CSU Learn voluntary e-course for CHRS end users (coming soon!)
- CHRS Knowledge Base Job Aids and Instructions (via this web page) available 24/7
- CHRS Open Support Hours (just after Go Live) as available on the HR Events calendar > search for "CHRS"
- Department Timekeepers (who can elevate requests as needed)
- Training for Timekeepers/Approvers and End Users as available on the HR Events calendar > search for "CHRS"
- And campus users can submit a CHRS question