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Recruitment Resources
Inclusive Hiring Toolkit for Tenure Track Searches
The below information has been developed in collaboration with the Office of Faculty Affairs (OFA) and the Division of Inclusive Excellence to provide guidance throughout the recruitment process. The phases and and resources represent the general recruitment process for probationary (tenure-track) faculty. Specific duties, steps, and roles may vary by department or college. All committees should consult their department ARTP policy as necessary; committees and departments should contact OFA for more details. It is recommend that searches for full-time lecturers follow a similar process as shown below.
Additional training resources user guides for CHRS Recruiting can be found on the CHRS Recruiting Training Resources page.
Prior to Search
Select a diverse committee: in content expertise, rank, university experience and demographics
- When possible, select a search committee that represents diversity in background, ideas and expertise. This should include subdisciplines, cognate disciplines and diversity in social identity including race/ethnicity, gender, disability, sexual orientation, etc.
- Be mindful of cultural taxation issues: As you select A DIVERSITY OF search committee members, be mindful that faculty WHO ARE MARGINALIZED are often asked to serve in multiple service committees and they might be overburdened. Please make sure that you are spreading the service load across the department and that you are protecting vulnerable faculty from taxation.
- Prepare search committee chairs to be advocates and arbiters of diversity and Inclusion. Encourage them to participate in the Inclusive Practices in the Search Process training.
- Review policies related to faculty searches and recruitment in the Search Committee Models (UARTP Policy 6.6.B).
- Encourage all members of the search committee to participate in the Inclusive Practices in the Search Process training to learn about how to intentionally center inclusive and equitable practices at each stage of the search and recruitment process. AA/EO representatives and Department Chairs are required to complete this training [UARTP Policy 6.6.C] (training is current for three (3) years). For additional information and available training dates, visit the Faculty Success Training & Consultation page.
- All search committee members are required to complete the “Searches and Recruitment in the CSU” training (training is current for two (2) years).
- Diversifying our faculty at Sac State – What does it mean?Although representational diversity is crucial to achieve a balance between faculty representation and student representation, diversifying our faculty to intentionally serve our students is a multidimensional concept.
- The impact of diverse faculty on students - A culture of inclusion and equity, as well as a faculty body that is diverse are key factors that attract students to choose a specific college or university. Underrepresented and minoritized faculty can become champions of our highly diverse students.
- Faculty Diversity and Student Success Go Hand in Hand, So Why Are University Faculties So White?
- Consider these questions as you set your search goals as they are connected to diversifying the faculty – DEFINING DIVERSITY TO SHAPE THE POSITION AND JOB DESCRIPTIONS
Developing your Posting Documents
Job postings or vacancy announcements include required and preferred qualifications, job duties, and other information associated with the position. For faculty positions, the job posting is the position description. See the Vacancy Announcement Template Guide for CHRS Recruiting (PageUp) for required components of the job posting and suggestions on what language should be included.
In addition to the job posting, other recruitment documents related to the search need to be developed by the search committee and department. These include:
- Screening Rubric (example of Screening Criteria rubric: Screening Criteria Template)
- Questions for all interviews being conducted by the committee in accordance with the recruitment plan including screening, phone/video, and finalist/campus visit interviews.
- Reference check questions
All of the above items need to be attached to the job card when submitting your posting for approval.
It is important to use inclusive language in your job description to attract diverse candidate pools. Use this Inclusive Language checklist in developing your vacancy announcement, screening rubric, interview questions, and any other documents related to the job posting.
Inclusive Language Checklist:
- Elevate Sac State as a minority serving institution and the Sacramento region in the job description
- Embed DEIBJ goals in required and preferred qualifications
- Include a Diversity Statement Prompt that works for your search:
- Craft inclusive interview questions
- Use universal plain language and avoid acronyms.
- Use people-first language.
- Use gender-neutral language.
- Avoid generalizations.
- Avoid phrases with biased origins.
- Develop interview questions to assess contributions to diversity, equity and inclusion
- Develop a rubric that matches your job description. The rubric should be limited to just the required and preferred qualifications.
- Develop a rubric to assess contributions to DEIBJ (developed by Cal Berkley).
Craft your advertising plan to reach out to diverse and historically marginalized candidates: Beyond posting in traditional outlets (i.e. Chronicle of Higher Ed). The use of multiple advertising strategies will enhance the diversity of the pool. Consider recruiting via:
- Journal publications and websites, especially those targeting women and underrepresented groups.
- Discipline-specific networks and associations, including those focused on women and underrepresented groups.
- Colleges and universities that are designated as HSI, HBCU, and TCU.
- Pipeline programs, such as the CSU Chancellors Office Doctoral Incentive Program
- Professional conferences – identify what, when, and who will attend and how recruitment efforts will be conducted there.
- Personal and direct outreach.
- Building and utilizing personal networks to identify qualified candidates, including those from underrepresented groups.
- Contact your alumni/ae.
Review the "Suggested Recruitment Strategies" for other best practices for advertising strategies.
Posting The Job
Once your department and committee has finalized its job posting and other recruitment documents, the department can initiate a job card. Review the CHRS Recruiting User Guide: Initiating a Job Card for how to initiate.
Approvers can review the CHRS Recruiting User Guide: Approvals – job card and offer card for help with reviewing and approving a job card.
Departments will receive a confirmation from OFA with once the job card has been approved with a direct link to the posting on our Sacramento State website. Once the confirmation is received, departments/committees can carry out the remainder of their advertising plan.
Positions will be posted automatically to the websites listed below at no cost to the department or college. :
- Sacramento State Jobs
- CSU Careers
- Chronicle of Higher Education
- Higher Ed jobs
For all other advertising needs, departments should contact Andy Boom at JobElephant Sac State has contracted with JobElephant (JE), a higher education industry advertising agency, to facilitate a comprehensive advertising plan for each search. JobElephant will manage university advertising contracts with the Chronicle of Higher Ed,,, LinkedIn and recommendations made by the department. JE will also suggest potential advertising opportunities and advertise directly on the behalf of departments. Any costs incurred with JobElephant are paid by the department.
Visit JobElephant’s Sac State Customer page for more information and instructions.
Preparing to Review Applications
- Establish open communication and consensus protocols: consider establishing inclusive discussion guidelines
- Search committee ground rules (adopted from Cornell’s Faculty Recruitment Guide)
- Confidentiality. All search committee members must be sure they can confidentially share their views with colleagues. Set ground rules about what can be discussed with other members of the department outside the meetings.
- Legal and Illegal Questions. Ensure the search committee members and anyone else participating in the search process are aware of the legal and illegal interview questions.
- Record Keeping. The committee should keep complete records about job postings, lists of candidates, candidate nominations, candidate dossiers, ratings, long and short lists, and interview notes. This will help evaluate the success of the search.
- Consensus or Votes. The committee should decide how decisions will be reached, either by consensus or voting. If the latter, then the committee should also decide if absentee votes will be allowed, and if the votes will be open or confidential.
- Engage in search committee calibration before reviewing applications (Selection Criteria Matrix)
- Learn about unconscious bias in the search and recruitment process
- Learn about other ways in which unconscious bias and marginalizing behavior can impact the interview process
- Establish a protocol to audit bias in the interview, review and deliberation process Have everyone review all the applications (pg. 1)
- Review relevant definitions laws and policies
- Review OFA’s recruitment process summary that is submitted at the end of the recrutiment process to familiarize the committee with what is included
Reviewing and Interviewing Applicants
- Search committees will receive access to applications on the initial review date that was included in the job posting. Committees should review CHRS Recruiting User Guide: Search Committee Chair and Membersfor information on how to access the applicant materials.
- Positions are open until filled. Committees need to decide how they will evaluate applications received after the initial review date.
- Review initial applicant pool. Follow your department and college ARTP policy and recruitment plan to identify finalists (long list, Zoom interviews, etc).
- Adopt inclusive interviewing practices
- Remember that candidates are interviewing you, as much as you are interviewing them. Learn about the importance of the campus interview here
- Create transparency in the interview process. Share interview questions with candidates ahead of time (between 24 to 48 hours before the interview)
- Center wellness and inclusion in the interview experience: make sure to schedule breaks in the campus interview itinerary
- Have a plan or rubric to record your observations and review information during the interview (Pg. 2)
- Invite students and faculty to candidates’ presentations and get their feedback. Make sure that the search committee has a plan to take the feedback into account.
- Establish a plan and to debrief with search committee after interviews are completed (Pgs. 4 - 5)
- Deliberate and make recommendation to dean in line with department and college ARTP policy.
- Complete recruitment process summary and AA/EOR Certification forms (PDFs here are for reference only, link to live forms will be sent to all committee members via automated email from the CHRS Recruiting system after recommendation is made to Dean).
- Depending on the committee's recrutiment process, reference checks may need to be conducted.
- Deans will complete "Approval to Offer Faculty Position" form and submit to Provost. If approved, Dean issues informal offer to recommended candidate(s).
- If moving and relocation expenses are being included, a "Request to Authorize Moving & Relocation Assistance Authorization" form must be completed in accordance with the Moving & Relocation policy.
- College support staff completes offer card in CHRS Recruiting system. Review the CHRS Recruiting User Guide: Initiating an Offer Card for how to complete offer card. Approvers can review the CHRS Recruiting User Guide: Approvals – job card and offer card for help with reviewing and approving a job card.
- OFA extends Provost’s official offer through CHRS Recruiting system and works with candidate on background check and hiring process.
Set the final status for remaining applicants so they will receive appropriate regrets notifications.
Once the committee has completed the recruitment process summary and AA/EOR Certification, committess should debrief about the recruitment process. It is recommended for committees to document their process for future recruitments in the department.
New faculty will be invited to New Faculty Orientation (NFO). NFO is held in August during the week before the academic year begins. OFA will communicate with faculty directly on details.