Support Page Content
Temporary Faculty Hiring
Continuously Open Part-Time Lecturer Vacancies
Office Hours for Temp Faculty Hiring for Spring 2025:
Join us for our scheduled offices hours below at Faculty Affairs Zoom Link
December 2024: 12/5 (Thu), 12/9 (Mon), 12/10 (Tue) - 1:00pm - 2:30pm
January 2025: Tuesdays from 10:30am - 12:00pm
February 2025: 2/4 from 10:30am - 12:00pm
Fall 2024 Specific Information
- FALL SEMESTER Effective Dates and Semester Specifics
- Fall Benefit Information (Fall 2024)
- Salary Schedule (as of 7/1/2024)
Spring 2025 Specific Information
- SPRING SEMESTER Effective Dates and Semester Specifics
- Spring Benefit Information (Spring 2025)
- Salary Schedule (as of 7/1/2024)
Temporary Faculty Hire Instructions:
Before Entering an Appointment
1) Applicant must have applied to the Lecturer Pool for your department.
2) Follow the steps in the Lecturer Pool Offer Card user guide to move applicant(s) through appropriate stepts to facilitate OFA generating a POI and/or EMPLID number and initiate the background check.
3) Once your OFA analyst has responded, you may move forward with adding individuals to the Instructor/Advisor table. (Adding to Instructor/Advisor Table)
4) Prior to entering appointment information into the Temp Faculty Module, it is recommended you review step-by-step instructions on entering appointments that can be found at CMS Training Documents. A video demonstration of how to enter appointments in the Temp Faculty Module is also available.
5) Query to check Salaries and Rank Instructions:
To check existing faculty salaries and grades in CMS:
A) Navigate to Main Menu>Reporting Tools > Query > Query Viewer
B) Enter "SACHR_ALL_FACULTY" in search field. Click the yellow search button.
C) Find the SACHR_ALL_FACULTY query and click the Excel hyperlink.
A video demonstration of how to check existing faculty salaries and grades is also available.
This will show all the faculty for your department. The important information in this query is “Base Pay” and “Grade”. If the person you are hiring hasn’t worked for over a year, contact your college analyst to verify the salary.
Fall Appointments
To begin entering information in CMS HR, navigate to Main Menu > CSU Temp Faculty > CSU Contract Data. Note: Effective dates and relevant information for any given semester can be found under the applicable semester's specific information "Effective Dates and Semester Specifics" link. It is recommended to have this document open when processing appointment information.
- Click on "Add a New Value" tab at top. Enter Empl ID and Dept ID and click “Add."
- Effective date: first day of academic semester (if a 12 month position, contact your OFA person to confirm effective date). View the Effective Dates and Semester Specifics for the applicable semester in order to see exact dates.
- Sequence #: defaults to 0 (this field is driven by the effective date– only change the sequence number if you add a row of data with the same effective date). You can “view all” to see the previous rows.
- Contract Description: appointments are named in the following manner: Last Name/First Initial/Department/Academic Year [Example: Appleseed J Psych 2019/20]. The full academic year date should be included regardless of the type of appointment type (i.e. semester, academic year, 3-year).
- Contract Status: change to "Inactive"
- Entitlement: enter the faculty's entitlement for that academic year. If new faculty, entitlement will be "0"
- Term End Date: insert the appropriate end date for the appointment type
- Multiple Term End Dates: ONLY insert for 3-year appointments. Relevant end dates can be found in the links at the top of the page
- Contract Type: click the magnifying glass to select the appropriate appointment type:
006 = Semester appointment
001 = Academic Year Appointment
014 = 3 year appointment – Year 1 of 3
015 = 3 year appointment – Year 2 of 3
016 = 3 year appointment – Year 3 of 3
002 = 12-month appointment (job code will be 2359 - not common)
- Position Number: same for all temp faculty in your department and is the number that relates to the job code 2358 = Temp Faculty AY
- Salary Grade: also known as "rank". Defaults to “1” for new temp faculty. Enter correct salary grade given upon hire or confirm the grade for returning faculty. If you are re-hiring temp faculty that received a range elevation effective Fall, make sure you have the correct salary grade for their new rank.
1 = DO NOT USE THIS OPTION – This grade has been abolished (Lecturer L).
2 = Lecturer A
3 = Lecturer B
4 = Lecturer C
5 = Lecturer D
Note: Salary Grade will sometimes not carry forward correctly when adding new "rows". Make sure to verify correct salary when adding additional rows.
Term: enter the relevant term for the semester. This is the field payroll will use to process the appointment. If the appointment is for an academic year or a 3-year appointment, then use the term for the Fall semester.
2XXY XX=last digits of given year Y= corresponding digit for semester (8=Fall; 3=Spring; 5=Summer). [Example “2198” = Fall 2019. 219 = 2019 and 8 = Fall semester]
- Cycle: will always be the number “1”.
- Comp Rate: the base pay for the faculty. If faculty returning to the same department, the salary and rank must be same or higher than previous year. If range elevation, enter new salary (new salary will be 5% increase). Query for finding base pay. Note: Comp Rate will sometimes not carry forward correctly when adding new "rows". Make sure to verify correct salary when adding additional rows.
- Late Start: defaults to "none". If you are hiring someone who is starting after the first day of the semester, you will need to select “L” for late start from the dropdown menu and contact your OFA analyst to provide you with the number of academic days paid. You will then insert that number in the box.
- Total WTU: enter faculty total WTU for your department
- TF Contract Courses Tab: OFA does not recommend using this tab to track this information. You may enter data on the page if you want the courses to appear on the appointment notification, but consult with your Dean’s Office as to their preference.
- TF Contract Total Tab: Check the Print box and type in "OF1" in the Letter Code box
- Click "Save".
1) When using the module, the system may prompt you with the follow errors:
- Date Error: If you get this message below, verify the dates entered. If correct, then click “ok”.
- Salary Error: If you get this message, the comp rate is below the minimum of the salary grade. Please enter the correct comp rate for the grade.
2) Once you complete the appointment in CMS, follow your college's business process for printing and approving temp faculty appointment notification. If you need to revise appointment information after it has been entered into the CMS/PeopleSoft, contact the appropriate party as listed below:
- If Contract Status = Active, please contact your OFA analyst prior to making any revisions.
- If Contract Status = Approved, please contact your payroll tech prior to making any revisions.
Note: if you need to generate (print) a appointment notification after a revision is made, you will need to recheck the Print box on the TF Contract Total Tab.
3) All appointment notifications for temp faculty should have the Conditions of Appointment (last updated January 2020) attached when providing copies to faculty members.
4) As the signed appointment notifications are returned to the college/department, it is extremely important to review the checkboxes located at the bottom of the document.
A. If this PERS box is checked, please contact your OFA Analyst immediately:
- [ ] I am a California Public Employees' Retirement System (CalPERS) retiree from a CSU or other state agency. Effective Date of Retirement: ____"
Collection of this information will also be helpful to the college/department in terms identifying retirees and tracking WTU’s to ensure not to exceed the “Post Retirement Employment” limits. This post retirement requirement is part of the Public Employee Pension Reform Act (excluding FERP participants). If you have questions about post retirement employment limitations, please contact Casey Valdez (x86741) or Justin Gaulke (x85377).
B. If any of these boxes are checked, please consult with the faculty and/or college to be sure the faculty is not going about 100% total workload:
- [ ] I am also employed for ____ units in the ____ Department at CSUS or the ____ campus in the CSU system.
- [ ] I am also employed ____% as a staff member in the _____ Department at CSUS. If appointment is as a MPP/HEERA manager, STOP and consult your college Dean's Office
If a retired annuitant, be sure the employment is not exceeding 50% of their timebase in the year preceding their retirement. If you have questions regarding their workload status, contact your college analyst for guidance.
Spring Appointments
To begin entering information in CMS HR, navigate to Main Menu > CSU Temp Faculty > CSU Contract Data. Note: Effective dates and relevant information for any given semester can be found under the applicable semester's specific information "Effective Dates and Semester Specifics" link. It is recommended to have this document open when processing appointment information.
SPRING APPOINTMENTS (for those with Fall appointments)
- Click on "Find an Existing Value." Enter Empl ID or Last Name (Tip: search is much quicker if you enter the Empl ID)
- Select the faculty member's "Approved" appointment for the given academic year. If appointment is not set to approved, contact your payroll technician.
- Click the “+” button on the UPPER RIGHT hand of the screen
- Effective date and Sequence #: Use the following effective dates and sequence # information accordingly. View the Effective Dates and Semester Specifics for the applicable semester in order to see exact dates:
- For academic year OR 3-year appointments with NO change in timebase: Fall semester start date. Increase sequence # as appropriate.
- For semester-only appointment with an existing Fall appointment: Spring semester start date. Sequence # will be “0”.
- For academic year OR 3-year appointments with a change in timebase: Spring semester start date. Sequence # will be “0”.
- Contract Description: Do not change.
- Contract Status: change to "Inactive".
- Entitlement: If a semester-only appointment, entitlement will be "0". Otherwise, enter the faculty's entitlement for that academic year.
- Term End Date: should be last day of academic year. View the Effective Dates and Semester Specifics for the applicable semester in order to see exact dates.
- Multiple Term End Dates: should not change from Fall appointment.
- Contract Type: should not change from Fall appointment.
- Position Nbr: should not change from Fall appointment.
- Salary Grade: should be the same as Fall appointment (unless an approved range elevation has occurred. This is not common.) Note: Salary Grade will sometimes not carry forward correctly when adding new "rows". Make sure to verify correct salary when adding additional rows.
- Term: Change to the relevant Spring term (2xx3: “xx”=last digits of given semester year). This is the field payroll will use to process Spring appointments. Even if the appointment is for an academic year or a 3-year appointment, the term must be changed to a Spring term.
- Cycle: will always be the number "1"
- Comp Rate: should not change from Fall appointment. See Query for finding base pay. Note: Comp Rate will sometimes not carry forward correctly when adding new "rows". Make sure to verify correct salary when adding additional rows.
- Late Start: defaults to "none". If you are hiring someone who is starting after the first day of the semester, you will need to select “L” for late start from the dropdown menu and contact your OFA analyst to provide you with the number of academic days paid. You will then insert that number in the box.
- Total WTU: enter faculty total WTU for your department
- TF Contract Courses Tab: OFA does not recommend using this tab to track this information. You may enter data on the page if you want the courses to appear on the appointment notification, but consult with your Dean’s Office as to their preference.
- TF Contract Total Tab: Check the Print box and type in "OF1" in the Letter Code box.
- Click "Save".
SPRING APPOINTMENTS (for those WITHOUT Fall appointments)
- Click on "Add a New Value" tab at top. Enter Empl ID and Dept ID and click “Add."
- Effective date: first day of Spring semester (if a 12 month position, contact your OFA person to confirm effective date). View the Effective Dates and Semester Specifics for the applicable semester in order to see exact dates.
- Sequence #: defaults to 0 (this field is driven by the effective date– only change the sequence number if you add a row of data with the same effective date). You can “view all” to see the previous rows.
- Contract Description: appointments are named in the following manner: Last Name/First Initial/Department/Academic Year [Example: Appleseed J Psych 2018/19]. The full academic year date should be included regardless of the type of appointment type (i.e. semester, academic year, 3-year).
- Contract Status: change to "Inactive".
- Entitlement: enter the faculty's entitlement for that academic year. If new faculty, entitlement will be "0".
- Term End Date: should be last day of academic year. View the Effective Dates and Semester Specifics for the applicable semester in order to see exact dates.
- Multiple Term End Dates: ONLY insert for 3-year appointments. View the Effective Dates and Semester Specifics for the applicable semester in order to see exact dates.
- Contract Type: click the magnifying glass to select the appropriate appointment type:
006 = Semester appointment
001 = Academic Year Appointment
014 = 3 year appointment – Year 1 of 3
015 = 3 year appointment – Year 2 of 3
016 = 3 year appointment – Year 3 of 3
002 = 12-month appointment (job code will be 2359 - not common)
Note: If the faculty is eligible for an AY or 3-year appointment, the contract needs to be an AY or 3-year appointment REGARDLESS if they did not work in the Fall semester.
- Position Number: same for all temp faculty in your department and is the number that relates to the job code 2358 = Temp Faculty AY
- Salary Grade: also known as "rank". Defaults to “1” for new temp faculty. Enter correct salary grade given upon hire or confirm the grade for returning faculty. If you are re-hiring temp faculty that received a range elevation effective this AY, make sure you have the correct salary grade for their new rank.
1 = DO NOT USE THIS OPTION – This grade has been abolished (Lecturer L).
2 = Lecturer A
3 = Lecturer B
4 = Lecturer C
5 = Lecturer D
Note: Salary Grade will sometimes not carry forward correctly when adding new "rows". Make sure to verify correct salary when adding additional rows.
- Term: enter the relevant term for that Spring semester (2xx3: “xx”=last digits of given semester year). This is the field payroll will use to process the appointment. If the appointment is for an academic year or a 3-year appointment, you will still use the Spring semester term.
- Cycle: will always be the number “1”.
- Comp Rate: the base pay for the faculty. If faculty is returning to the same department, the salary and rank must be same or higher than previous year. If range elevation, enter new salary (new salary will be 5% increase). Query for finding base pay. Note: Comp Rate will sometimes not carry forward correctly when adding new "rows". Make sure to verify correct salary when adding additional rows.
- Late Start: defaults to "none". If you are hiring someone who is starting after the first day of the semester, you will need to select “L” for late start from the dropdown menu and contact your OFA analyst to provide you with the number of academic days paid. You will then insert that number in the box.
- Total WTU: enter faculty total WTU for your department
- TF Contract Courses Tab: OFA does not recommend using this tab to track this information. You may enter data on the page if you want the courses to appear on the appointment notification, but consult with your Dean’s Office as to their preference.
- TF Contract Total Tab: Check the Print box and type in "OF1" in the Letter Code box
- Click "Save".
1) When using the module, the system may prompt you with the follow errors:
- Date Error: If you get this message below, verify the dates entered. If correct, then click “ok”.
- Salary Error: If you get this message, the comp rate is below the minimum of the salary grade. Please enter the correct comp rate for the grade.
2) Once you complete the appointment in CMS, follow your college's business process for printing and approving temp faculty appointment notification. If you need to revise appointment information after it has been entered into the CMS/PeopleSoft, contact the appropriate party as listed below:
- If Contract Status = Active, please contact your OFA analyst prior to making any revisions.
- If Contract Status = Approved, please contact your payroll tech prior to making any revisions.
Note: if you need to generate (print) a appointment notification after a revision is made, you will need to recheck the Print box on the TF Contract Total Tab.
3) All appointment notifications for temp faculty should have the Conditions of Appointment attached when providing copies to faculty members.
4) As the signed appointment notifications are returned to the college/department, it is extremely important to review the checkboxes located at the bottom of the document.
A. If this PERS box is checked, please contact your OFA Analyst immediately.
- [ ] I am a California Public Employees' Retirement System (CalPERS) retiree from a CSU of other state agency. Effective date of Retirement: _______________
Collection of this information will also be helpful to the college/department in terms identifying retirees and tracking WTU’s to ensure not to exceed the “Post Retirement Employment” limits. This post retirement requirement is part of the Public Employee Pension Reform Act (excluding FERP participants). If you have questions about post retirement employment limitations, please contact Casey Valdez (x86741) or Justin Gaulke (x85377).
B. If any of these boxes are checked, please consult with the faculty and/or college to be sure the faculty is not going about 100% total workload. If a retired annuitant, be sure the employment is not exceeding 50% of their timebase in the year preceding their retirement. If you have questions regarding their workload status, contact your college analyst for guidance.
- [ ] I am also employed for ____ units in the ________ Department of CSUS or the _________ campus in the CSU system.
- [ ] I am also employed ____ % as a staff member in the _________ Department of CSUS. If appointment is a MPP/HEERA manager, STOP and consult your college Dean's Office