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Black Staff & Faculty Association

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Black Staff & Faculty Association Bylaws

Article I - Organization Name

The name of the organization shall be the Black Staff and Faculty Association of California State University, Sacramento, hereafter referred to as the 'Association'.

Article II - Purpose

The purpose of the organization shall be:

  1. To establish and maintain an adequate line of communication between the Association, California State University, Sacramento Administration and the community;
  2. To assert the Association's influence, upon the employment policies regarding Blacks and to ensure an ethnic balance and fair practice on the California State University, Sacramento campus;
  3. To serve as a link to other Black California State University, Sacramento organizations.

Article III - Membership

Section 1: Membership

Any person employed by California State University, Sacramento shall be eligible for active membership. A member is one whose dues are paid. Paid members are entitled to all rights and privileges of the organization. Non-paid participants cannot hold an office within the general organization or its ad hoc committees nor participate in voting.

Section 2: Structure

The Association shall be composed of five (5) standing committees and ad hoc committees as needed.

Section 3: Quorum

Two-thirds (2/3) of the membership in attendance shall constitute a quorum or at least 7 members.

Section 4: Ad Hoc Meetings

(Shall be held whenever deemed necessary)

Section 5: Executive Committee

Executive Committee meetings shall be held when properly notified by the President at a minimum of six (6) times per year.

Article IV - Fees and Payments

Dues & Banking Procedures

Section 1: Membership Fee and Method of Payment

  • The dues of the Association shall be set by a simple majority of members voting and the existing dues shall remain in force until they are changed by such a vote.
  • The fiscal year for the Association shall begin on September 1. Any financial action taken shall become effective as of September 1 of the following year.

Section 2: Banking

The Treasurer and Finance Committee shall determine banking procedures.

Article V- Amendments

Amendment of Constitution and By-Laws

Section 1: Notification of Amendments

Written notification of proposed changes of amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws must be forwarded to the Association members thirty (30) days prior to a scheduled meeting.

Section 2: Approval of Amendments/Voting

Two-thirds (2/3) of the membership in attendance is needed to approve an amendment.

Article VI - Committees

Committee Structure

Section 1: Executive Committee

  1. The Executive Committee shall act on behalf of the Association when not in session and in other instances as monitored by the Association.
  2. The Executive Committee shall be composed of the elected officers and Chairs of the established committees.
  3. The Executive Committee shall have the responsibility of effectively carrying out the approved constitution for the Black Staff and Faculty Association.
  4. The Executive Committee shall be guided by the approved constitution with parliamentary authority derived from Robert's Rules of Order.

Section 2: Responsibilities

Each Standing Committee shall be composed of a minimum of three members. Each committee shall elect its own Chair and each has the right to solicit and receive input from other members of the organization.

Article VII - Officers

The Association officers shall be: President, Vice President, General Secretary, Treasurer and Committee Chairs.

Section 1: Title and Duties of the Officers

Article VIII - Terms of Service

Terms of Services

Section 1: Terms of Office

A term of office shall not exceed one full year to begin September 1 through August 30 of the following year. President, Vice-President, General Secretary, Treasurer and Chairs shall serve no more than two consecutive elected terms in the same office.

Section 2: Removal From Office

If any officer of the Association ceases to be in good standing by reason of non-payment of dues, failure to fulfill the duties of his/her office or inappropriate behavior which does not uphold the purposes of the Association, he/she shall be removed by recommendation of the Executive Committee and by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the membership.

Section 3: Vacancy of Office

In the event of a vacancy in the office of President, the Vice-President shall succeed to the office of the un-expired term.

In the event of a vacancy within the first semester in the office of Vice-President, General Secretary or Treasurer, another election within thirty (30) days will be held for replacement. If vacancies occur after that time, the Executive Committee shall appoint from the membership a member to fill that office for the un-expired term, with a simple majority approval by the general membership.

In the event of a vacancy within the first semester in office of a Chair of a committee, the committee shall appoint a member to fill that office for the un-expired term.

Article VIX - Elections

Section 1: Elections

Shall be held in May of each year.

Section 2: Nomination and Election Procedures

In April an ad hoc committee on Nominations shall serve notice to the membership regarding the nomination and election procedures.

Section 3: Ballot Procedure

Elections will be conducted by mailed or emailed ballot, or in person.

Article X - Meeting Information


The Executive Committee shall prepare and mail or email a calendar reflecting the dates of each Association meeting for the academic year.

Section 1: Association Meetings

Meetings of the General Body shall be held monthly.