Kristin A. Van Gaasbeck

Dept. of Economics | College of SSIS | Sacramento State
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ECON 138: Monetary and Fiscal Policy

Requirements this Course Satisfies

Economics Major
Economics Minor

Economics Major
Students who plan to major in Economics may declare the major at any time, but typically students will declare the major after completing at least 2 courses (6 units) of lower division coursework in economics. Students are also encouraged to see a major advisor on a regular basis.

The Economics major consits of 42 units (14 courses): [prerequisites noted]

  1. Lower division requirements (3 courses, 9 units)
    • ECON 1A: Introduction to Macroeconomic Analysis
    • ECON 1B: Introduction to Microeconomic Analysis
    • STAT 1: Introduction to Statistics
  2. Upper division core (5 courses, 15 units)
    • ECON 100A: Intermediate Macroeconomics [ECON 1A, ECON 1B]
    • ECON 100B: Intermediate Microeconomics [ECON 1A, ECON 1B]
    • ECON 101: History of Economic Thought [ECON 1A and ECON 1B]
      OR ECON 113: Economic History of the U.S. [ECON 1A]
    • ECON 140: Quantatitive Economic Analysis [ECON 1A, ECON 1B, STAT 1]
    • ECON 145: Economic Research Methods (graduating semester) [ECON 100A, ECON 100B, ECON 140]
  3. Upper division elective courses (6 courses, 18 units)
    • Economics courses numbered 110 or higher.

ECON 138 counts as one of the upper division electives toward the Economics Major (#3 above).

How to I declare the Economics Major?

What's the difference between majoring in Economics vs. Business?

Economics Minor
Students who plan to minor in Economics may declare the major at any time. Since many economics courses may be counted towards other majors, students (especially in Finance and International Business) may find they can easily complete the minor requirements.

The Economics minor consits of 21 units (7 courses): [prerequisites noted]

  1. Lower division requirements (2 courses, 6 units)
    • ECON 1A: Introduction to Macroeconomic Analysis
    • ECON 1B: Introduction to Microeconomic Analysis
    • STAT 1: Introduction to Statistics
  2. Elective courses (5 courses, 15 units)
    • STAT 1: Introduction to Statistics may be counted toward the Economics minor.
    • 12 units (4 courses) must be completed in Economics courses numbered 100 or higher.

How to I declare the Economics Minor?

©2007 Kristin Van Gaasbeck | Department of Economics | 6000 J Street | Sacramento, CA 95819-6082 | 916.278.6223