Kristin A. Van Gaasbeck

Dept. of Economics | College of SSIS | Sacramento State
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M.A. Program in Economics

Attention students: See my resources page for information on the graduate program. If you would like to see me in person, you can drop in during my graduate advising hours or contact me to make an appointment.

Graduate Coordinator, M.A. Program in Economics, Fall 2006-present

I am serving as the Graduate Coordinator for the M.A. Program in Economics. The Graduate Coordinator is responsible for the following:


In order to impove information available to graduate students:

In conjunction with the Graduate Committee, I have petitioned to incorporate prerequisites into the graduate curriculum. These changes are designed to better guide and sequence students through the M.A. program in Economics.

Complete list of M.A. Thesis/Projects (since 2004)

©2007 Kristin Van Gaasbeck | Department of Economics | 6000 J Street | Sacramento, CA 95819-6082 | 916.278.6223