Project Implementation
D. Pedagogy - How has instruction changed?
Although the instruction in Physics 107 and EDTE316 has been “hands on” and “inquiry based”, limitations in the availability and quality of instructional technology made it difficult to effectively use computer simulations, computer data acquisition hardware and interactive lesson design modules. Using the resources provided by the hp teaching for technology grant the following changes in instructional approach were made:
1. Use of computer simulations shifted from being teacher centered to being student centered. For example, instead of the teacher demonstrating the sound wave simulation to the whole class using a computer projector, students individually engaged in running the simulations, changing variables, and making measurements from the simulation on their own computers.
2. Student inquiry research projects previously restricted to “physics only investigations in the laboratory” were expanded to include interdisciplinary science projects and investigations of the world outside of the laboratory.
3. The design of K-8 science lessons by CSUS students was no longer confined to the “science methods” course in the school of education but the interactive design module made it possible to access pedagogy and content resources in P107 and outside of class.