University-Level Expectations: What Do I Expect From You?

    Many take my section of Astronomy 4 because they have heard I am an easy-going professor.  I take pride in that, but to avoid problems in the future, you should note the following:

  • Responsibility.   Take note of the material outlined on the "Responsibilities" page, as that material covers part of my expectations for you.  Pay particular attention to the section regarding honesty.  Above all, I expect academic honesty in this class.

  • Courtesy.   I do not take attendance, so whether you elect to attend class is your decision.   You are paying the money to take this class, so attendance is your choice.  If you attend, however, I expect you to be courteous to me, and to your fellow classmates.   I will not tolerate inattention while in class, as exhibited by excessive talking, reading of newspapers, etc. and/or passing of notes to others in class, just to list a few examples.  Additionally, if you come to class, do not leave abruptly without cause - it is highly disruptive to class.  And finally, I will take great offense, and make an example of you, if you come to class and proceed to put your head down to catch some sleep. 

  • You are adults, and courtesy is part of being an adult.

  • Classroom Attendance.  As I mentioned, I do not take attendance, so whether you elect to attend class is your decision.  You are paying the money to take this class, so attendance is your choice.  Please note, however, that 15-25% of the students enrolled in this class (and most GE classes) ultimately fail, and that is likely to be, in part, a result of not showing up for class.

  • Web/Internet Use.  The University expects students to become proficient in the use of the Internet, and this course will result in some level of proficiency, if you do not already have it.  Extensive use of the Internet will be made, and you will need the Internet for the course.


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