University-Level Expectations: What You Should Expect From Me!

I have told you some of the things I expect from you.  You, however, should have expectations of me.   These are some of the things you should take me to task for if I falter.  Let me know if there are more!

  • Timeliness.   You deserve to have your graded material back to you in a timely manner.  I define that to be within 1 week, unless it involves significant written material (I do not have a grader, so it is difficult to get large assignments back quickly).  Take me to task if I do not get material back to you.

  • Updated Grade List.  Related to timeliness of grades is the updating, via the web, of your grades.  I will do this by listing the last four digits of your student ID, along with all of the grades  I have recorded.  I should keep this list up-to-date so that you know your status in the course, and so that you can confirm that I have all of the grades for you that I am supposed to have.

  • Office Hours/Appointments.  Additionally, I should be available at the times specified in the syllabus for my office hours, and be available at the agreed upon times for appointments. 

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