Week 1
Lecture: Course introduction,
Lecture: Sedimentary textures, fabric,
Lab: Sieve analysis, sediment
Week 2
Classification of siliclastic sedimentary rocks
Lecture: Fundamentals of fluid
flow, laminar vs. turbulent flow, Reynolds and Froude numbers
Lab: Sand composition
Lecture: Density and viscosity, particle
transport, Hjulstrom curve
Lecture: Bedform progression, beds
and bedding (primary
sedimentary structures)
Lab: Sand provenance
Week 4
Lecture: Sedimentary structures
Lecture: Sedimentary structures
Lab: Clastic sedimentary
Lecture: Classification of
siliclastic sedimentary rocks,
Folk and Gilbert's classification systems
Exam #1: Wednesday, February 22nd
Lab: Petrology of silicilastic
rocks: shale, siltstone, sandstone, conglomerate
Lecture: Mass movements,
sediment gravity flows
Deep marine sedimentation, deep sea fans
Lab: Sandstone petrology: practice
with Folk and Gilbert's systems
Day trip: Measuring stratigraphic sections, deep sea fans in the field
Monday lab period: field
trip on Saturday March 4th
Wednesday lab period: field
trip on Sunday March 5th
Week 7
Lecture: Alluvial fans
Lecture: Braided streams
Lab: Sandstone petrography I:
sandstones in thin section
Week 8
Lecture: Meandering, anastomosing
Lecture: Evaporite minerals,
evaporite deposits
Lab: Sandstone petrography II:
sandstones in thin section
Spring break:
March 18th-26th |
Week 9 |
Lecture: Chert, ironstone,
phosphate, glauconite
Lecture: Coal and carbonaceous
Lab: Petrography of chert,
ironstone, phosphates, coal, carbonaceous rocks
Week 10
Monday schedule: Monday lab visits
their group project research area
Wednesday schedule: Wednesday lab
visits their group project research area
Week 11 |
Monday schedule: Monday lab visits
a different field site, Wednesday lab group works on stratigraphy poster
Wednesday schedule: Wednesday lab
visits a different field site, Monday lab group works on stratigraphy
Week 12 |
Lecture: Deltaic systems
Lecture: Eolian systems
Lab: Group project presentations
Week 13 |
Lecture: Beach deposits and
Exam #2: Wednesday, April 26th
Lab: No lab this week,
compensation for weekend field trip
Weekend field trip: Sedimentary environments
and coastal processes (Friday April 28th through
Sunday April 30th)
Week 14
Lecture: Carbonate
classification and components (Folk and Dunham)
Lecture: Carbonate mineralogy
and stability
Lab: Carbonate petrology:
limestones, dolostones, porosity, Folk and Dunham's classification
Week 15 |
Lecture: Carbonate shelf systems,
modern reefs
Lecture: Modern reef facies, reefs
through time
Lab: Carbonate petrography: micrite, spar,
Comprehensive Final Exam: Monday, May 15th, 12:45-2:45