California State University, Sacramento Week 10 Group stratigraphy project: first visit to the outcrop, planning for second visit to the outcrop |
What to do this week:
- Visit your outcrop on your lab day, using maps and background information that you put together last week.
- Prepare to visit another outcrop or exposure of your unit next week.
- Turn in progress reports and information that your group is compiling (see below!)
What to turn in (before you visit your outcrop the second time) Your group leader should assemble all items and turn them in to me in a single document or file. Most group leaders will visit me during office hours before they go into the field the second time. You will need to turn in these things before you can visit your formation the second time:
1) Group leader's report:
What did each member contribute this week?
2) Stratigraphy and correlation:
Produce a presentation-quality version of a correlation chart. Copies of existing correlation charts are acceptable, but must be referenced properly.
3) Brief lithologic description:
What do you find when you visited your outcrop the first time?
Produce a brief written description from the first field day. This should include beds and bedding, composition and general appearance of the unit.
4) Location maps:
- Produce a publication-quality location map for your first site visit.
Make a location map to show where you plan to stop on your second field day. Google earth images are required! The outcrops must be safe and accessible. 5) Geologic maps
Clip out portions of the geologic map that show your outcrop locations. Digital versions are best!
6) Produce publication- quality photographs of the outcrop and hand specimens. Photos should have figure captions.
Guidelines for stratigraphic sections: Your group will produce a stratigraphic section (stratigraphic column) for each outcrop that you visit. Here are some hints for drawing a stratigraphic column: