California State University, Sacramento Week 11: Group stratigraphy project (continued!) |
This week you will visit your outcrop a second time. Before you visit the outcrop your group leader will need to show progress from last week.
After you visit your outcrop the second time, your group will have a few days to assemble a poster. You will have less than a week to produce your final poster.
Before you visit the field:
Your group leader should show me what your group produced during the last week:
Presentation quality correlation chart, with caption
Lithologic description- what you saw last week
Publication quality location map- with last week's stop
Publication quality photographs of outcrop and hand samples (with captions and labels)
Geologic maps- clip out portions of maps that cover your area, include captions and references.
Your group leader should show me where you plan to go this week:
Location map(s)
Geologic map(s)
Lithologic description or reasons to visit a site
Pick up keys, shovels, sample bags.
Producing the poster:
Here is a Powerpoint template for your poster:
The template has instructions for producing the final poster. Use these instructions as a guide, but feel free to experiment with colors, layout and design.
Rules for poster printing
Keep fonts large! Posters should be readable from 5 feet away.
Keep it simple- use brief phrases or bullet items, avoid paragraphs.
Give credit (reference) any material that you did not produce.
Use white or light background- no dark photos or dark backgrounds.
Monday lab deadlines:
Turn in your poster by Thursday afternoon- I will print posters on Friday.
Present your poster to the class next Monday.
Wednesday lab deadlines:
Turn in your poster by next Monday afternoon- I will print posters on Tuesday.
Present your poster to the class next Wednesday.
Guidelines for stratigraphic sections: Your group will need to produce a simple stratigraphic section(stratigraphic column) for your unit. Here are some hints for drawing a stratigraphic column: