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BSFA 50th Anniversary
The Black Staff and Faculty Association was formally constituted in Fall 1974. Through collaborative efforts, the Association works to center Communication, Professional Development, Mentorship and CommUNITY.
As an association, BSFA has been a force to be reckoned with. BSFA has been actively involved in civil rights on all levels and advocating for inclusive and culturally relevant higher education practices. Members of BSFA have also held notable roles on campus, whether it’s being an advisor for student organizations, hosting mixers, or supporting our Divine 9.
In the 2024-2025 academic year, we celebrate 50 years of BSFA. In these 50 years we are celebrating the good times, and acknowledging the challenging times, that our African American and Black staff and faculty have experienced at Sacramento State.
First Black Grad Celebration was held at St. Paul in Oak Park. Black Grad was the precedent for Identity Celebrations at Sacramento State.
The tradition of a staff/faculty and student mixer, became common to create community on campus.
BSFA President, Kim Harrington sends recommendations to President Donald Gerth regarding retention and recruitment of Black staff, faculty and administrators. Some of these recommendations include having BSFA Members on search committees and broadening recruitment techniques.
BSFA hosted an open forum called “Status of Blacks on Campus”, in the University Union Redwood Room on February 28th, 2006. This forum was open to students and employees at Sacramento State to share their experiences, being Black on campus, as well as any suggestions on how to improve the climate on campus.
“The N Word Forum” presented by the BSFA, was held in the University Union Lobby Suite, on February 20th 2008. The goal of the forum was to discuss the controversy surrounding the slur, including why it has been desensitized in usage.
The Male Empowerment Collaborative, an organization to support marginalized male identified students, was created, with backing support from BSFA.
BSFA hosts a Winter Social event celebrating the end of the Fall semester. The organization also partnered with the University Business Affairs division to adopt a family for the 2013 holiday season and delivered gift cards and wrapped presents to the Marcellous family home.
BSFA develops a new mission statement!
"To function as an informative organization in support of recruitment, career development and retention of our members; hold the campus administration accountable for maintaining its commitment to diversity and affirmative action; and be an influential voice in supporting recruitment. Through open and honest communication, we hope to give Staff and Faculty an outlet to voice any issues or concerns. We are focused on supporting the total advancement and excellence of Black Staff and Faculty.
The Association aims to be highly visible on the Sacramento State campus to offer professional mentorship and development opportunities to its members and the black campus community at large, which will develop and maintain a cohesive network across campuses at every level. BSFA is a collaborative through which ideas are shared, knowledge is gained, and relationships are strengthened. The Black Staff and Faculty Association is committed to developing relationships and promoting comm”UNITY”."
BSFA hosts a Fall Mixer in the University Union to kick off the school year right!
Sacramento State's BSFA hosts the 2nd CSU Juneteenth Symposium at the Safe Credit Convention Center in Downtown Sacramento.
In addition to the Symposium, BSFA also held two retreats for staff, faculty, and administrators at Sac State. The goal of the retreats were to talk about Black success, and the experience of being Black on campus.