EdTe 305
Spring, 2003
Instructor: Jeanne Pfeifer, Ph.D. Room: Eureka 211 email: pfeifer@csus.edu phone: (916) 278-5542 Web page: www.csus.edu/indiv/p/pfeiferj Office: 220 Eureka Office hours: M 12-1; 4-5 and by appointment
Required text: Ellis, Arthur K. (2002) Teaching and Learning Elementary Social Studies, 7th Ed. Boston: Allyn and Bacon. California Department of Education. History-Social Science Framework, K-12, 2001 Update Edition with Content Standards. Erickson, H. Lynn. Concept-Based Curriculum and Instruction: Teaching Beyond the Facts. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press, Inc |
Required Web subscription: If your registration has lapsed, you will need to register online. You will need to use a credit card and an email address. They will send you a user and pass word by email within two days. You will register as "university" and then "CSUS". |
Statement of Purpose: The underlying assumptions of the social studies methods course are embedded in constructivist philosophy. In this approach, students are thought to learn best when they are involved directly in authentic experiences. The experiences are planned and mediated by the teacher such that students gain in-depth understandings to their own lives and to today's world. Teachers must plan carefully and thoroughly for such activities to take place successfully. They must take into account student characteristics and prior experiences in order to create meaningful experiences. Most likely, in this problem-centered approach, students become engaged from multiple perspectives, thus instruction and learning are "integrated." During the actual instructional event, teachers may spend much of their time as coaches and facilitators (rather than center stage disseminators of knowledge.) Anticipated outcomes for the learners are in-depth conceptual knowledge, critical thinking processes, social skill development and positive self-esteem.
COMPREHENSIBLE TO STUDENTS Teaching History-Social Science in a
Multiple Subject Assignment Candidates for a Multiple Subject Teaching Credential
demonstrate the ability to teach the state-adopted academic content standards
for students in history-social science (K-8). They enable students to
learn and use basic analytic thinking skills in history and social science
while attaining the state-adopted academic content standards for students.
They use timelines and maps to give students a sense of temporal and spatial
scale. Candidates teach students how social science concepts and themes
provide insights into historical periods and cultures. They help students
understand events and periods from multiple perspectives by using simulations,
case studies, cultural artifacts, works of art and literature, cooperative
projects, and student research. Course
Students will: Assignments: 1. Students are expected to attend and participate
in all classes including online discussions. Please see instructor
if you must miss class for unforeseeable circumstances. After one absence,
grade will be lowered by one grade for each day. TPE 12 (35 points) 2. During the first 10 weeks of class, develop,
teach and reflect on two lessons in Taskstream. One lesson
should teach stuents about timelines and the second lesson should involve
the students with maps (making and/or reading.) These lessons may be associated
with other content areas (e.g. develop a time line associated with a story
that students are encountering during reading). As a result of your lesson,
the students should have learned something more about timelines and maps
(geography) in general. (5 points) (You may decide to include timeline
and map lessons in your unit that build upon these lessons.) 2. Development of Unit (you may consult with
one another, share resources and ideas, but turn in your own unit).
Most class meetings should allow you to produce a part of
your unit, however you will need to complete more work outside of class
(30 points). Develop a Social studies Unit that will
contain: a. An "ideal" Annual plan, and
a Spring, 2003 plan that represents what will be taught
in the classroom that you are student teaching in. Indicate the
unit topic you will be planning and teaching. Indicate cooperative
learning strategies on the "ideal" annual plan. b. Class background information c. Unit
of Instruction Plans (on Taskstream, all fields completed) d. 8-10 lessons (two week unit)
in Taskstream using the Standard lesson plan or the Middle School Plan
(constructivist) with each plan attached to the unit plan activities.
Please do not use othe abbreviated plan/activity protocol. 3. Teach unit of instruction
during weeks 11-15. (30 points)
Requirements from
the CCTC:
Grades: A=100-96; A-=95-91; B+=90-88; B 87-85; B-=84-81; C+=80-78; C=77-75; NC less than 75 |
Course Schedule:
Class Date Topic Activity Readings (after class) Assignments: Unit/Online 1 January 27 What is Social Studies? What are the attributes of meaningful, well-planned
social studies lessons? Who are you teaching? What is important to you for teaching social studies? Anthropology Boxes CCSS: California Council for the
Social Studies, March 6-9 Sacramento Convention Center. (Volunteers receive
free registration) Class notes: Social Science/Humanities H/SS Framework pp1-26; skim 27-74,
read carefully the grade level you are targeting, bring Framework to class
with you next week. Ellis, Ch 1 2 February 3 Annual
Planning, Identifying Units, Bring the History/SS Framework with you to this class. Ellis, Ch 2, 6 Erickson, Ch 1 3 February 10 How do you locate resources for your unit? For you as the teacher?
For your students? How do we mesh the standards and the framework? Locate
primary sources, Web quests. Searching the web for resources, evaluating
resources. Ellis: skim Ch 3 and use for reference Erickson: Ch 2 You will begin this resource list
in class but will need to spend time outside of class to complete a thorough
collection of resources. You will identify and list resources that may
not be used this time, but may be used in the future. In your search,
if you locate resources that are pertinent for other units listed in your
annual plan, you may want to save those on your annual plan form or begin
another list of resources for the future. Be ready to share a draft at
our next class. Final is due on March 24. 4 February 17 What should K-1, 2-3,4-5,6-8 know about timelines?
Maps? How can you integrate mapping and timelines with other subject areas?
(e.g. reading, math etc.) Ellis: Chapter 12 5 & 6 February 24 March 3 What are a variety of strategies that
I might use in by social studies unit? Which strategies allow for more student involvement? Building Units: HLQ, Role playing, simulations, Inductive reasoning,
inquiry etc. What Happened at Lexington Green? House on Maple Street: Using literature
as a graphic organizer How are graphic organizers and critical thinking related? Graphic Organizer examples: Ellis: Chapters 5,7, 9, 13,14 Erickson: Chapter 3 (skim 4 for concepts) (Be ready to share by March 10) 7 March 10 How does cooperative learning fit into social
studies curriculum? How can it expand throughout the year? Feedback from CCSS? Cooperative learning
activities Social Studies Skills Ellis: Chapter 11& 16 How will you assess your students and your teaching? Using different models of assessment, developing rubrics Ellis: Chapter 8 Erickson: Chapter 5 Where does the textbook fit in? March 31 Cesar Chevez Sharing units: Friendly critics Reflecting on Reflection Teaching, assessing and reflecting on unit. Write
out lesson plans 4-10 Record/video hands-on/minds-on lesson. Edit to
2-3 minutes. Attach to lesson. Photograph and/or scan student performance and work. Attach
to appropriate lessons. Share reflections as you teach lessons. Final:
March 17
March 24
Citizenship Education, current events
Ellis: Chapter 10, 15
Work in a small group to research one of the topics
and prepare a powerpoint.
CancelledProfessional Development
Share with reviewer your Taskstream unit with lesson
attachments and other attachments.
April 7- May 16
May 19
Submit entire unit with student examples
and overall unit reflection