
  • Grouping and regrouping
  • E-mail updates

Texts and Links

From Libraries Unlimited

From Amazon

From the WWW


  • Projects
  • Weekly Readings
    • Multimedia Projects in Education, Chapters 1 and 2, pages 1 - 26
    • The Non-Designer's Design Book, Chapters 1and 2, pages 13 - 26

Nuts and Bolts

  • Server
    • Folders and Files
  • Large file management
    • Zip disk
    • E-mail
    • External Server


  • Presentations
    • Why?
    • What?
    • Who?

Work in pairs

Indroduction to HyperStudio

  • Click above to download the PDF file for the first HyperStudio lesson.
  • First Stack
  • Click the link above to view this first stack to your computer.

On your own and Online

Next Week: Meet Me

  • Bring in photographs to scan

Multiple Intelligences


Weekly Readings

  • Multimedia Projects in Education, Chapter 3, pages 27-49
  • The Non-Designer's Design Book, Chapters 1 and 2.


Getting Snazzy

  • Backgrounds
    • colored
    • gradients
    • special effects
    • imported
    • filters
    • grouped
    • modifying or deleting
  • Clipart
    • adding
    • deleting
    • modifying
  • Graphic Objects
    • adding
    • floating?
    • editing
    • animating
    • deleting

Meet Me stacks

Team Building and Leadership

Cooperative Groups

  • Format
    • Forming groups
  • Integrating technology
    • Pgs. 37-39 MPiE
    • What works best?

Decide: Planning and Organization:

This is what you do as an instructor, but it is also what you expect of your student groups.

See "Journey Down the Nile" for an example of a group multimedia project.

  1. Goals
    1. knowledge
    2. skills
    3. rubrics
  2. Brainstorming
    1. knowledge
    2. skills
  3. Research
    1. curricular (texts)
    2. CD ROM
    3. Internet
    4. Appearance


Adding Buttons

  • Buttons
    • icons
    • invisible
    • features
      • grouped
    • actions
      • timers
      • animations
      • NBAs
    • on graphics
    • on text

Meet Me stacks


Weekly Reading

  • Multimedia Projects in Education, Chapter 3, pages51-74
  • The Non-Designer's Design Book, Chapter 3.


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