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EDBM 279 - Course Syllabus

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Description | Objectives | Expectations | Grading | Readings (Required and day)| Availability

Course Description: The class is designed to prepare students for success in the classroom as effective teachers of diverse groups. By learning and improving their knowledge about theories and methods of second language acquisition, students will feel successful in their classrooms. Students will complete a lesson plan for grades 4th-12th using the SDAIE (Specially Design Academic Instruction in English) format. They will also be responsible for completing in class quick writes and group writing activities. Finally, students will be encouraged to use critical thinking and problem solving skills independently and in-groups, which will prepare them for success both in school and in the workplace. This course will cover the following areas: Historical Perspectives, Linguistics, and Methods of Second Language Acquisition, Writing, Lesson Planning, Law Mandates, Culture, and Assessments.

Description | Objectives | Expectations | Grading | Readings (Required and day)| Availability

Course Objectives:

  1. Students will have an understanding of the history of Bilingual Education
    Evaluation: Discussion and participation of readings during class and collaborative
    Course assignment.
  2. Students will understand the structure of language and its implications as it relates to
    Second Language Acquisition.
    Evaluation: Discussion and participation of readings during class and collaborative
    Course assignment.
  3. Students will learn about different Methods of Language Acquisition
    and how it applies to the classroom
    Evaluation: Discussion and participation of readings during class, collaborative
    assignments, and quizzes.
  4. Students will learn how to develop and present a sheltered lesson plan for English Language Learners.
    Evaluation: Classroom oral and written presentations.
  5. Students will have an understanding of Law Mandates, Assessments and Cultural Differences
    Of English Language Learners.
    Evaluation: Term papers and final exam.

Description | Objectives | Expectations | Grading | Readings (Required and day)| Availability

Expectations: Attendance is critical because much of your grade is based on participation in class, which cannot be made up. It is your responsibility to immediately ask for any assignments or make up. It is your responsibility to immediately ask for any assignments or make up work you miss due to an absence. An assignment is due at the beginning of class. If a student does not submit an assignment at that time, it is late. Assignments are accepted one day late and receive only half credit. If a student is absent on the day an assignment is due and he or she knew about the assignment before being absent, the student is responsible for getting the project or paper to the instructor that day.

Description | Objectives | Expectations | Grading | Readings (Required and day)| Availability

Grading Policy
Note that a grade of Incomplete must be awarded in accordance with University policy. There must be a specific, identifiable course requirement that needs to be met due to unforeseen but fully justified reasons. There is still a possibility of earning credit. Incomplete must be completed by January 15th.

Students with disabilities, consistent with University policy, students must file a form with the Students with Disabilities Office and provide the instructor of all classes with a copy of the form by the end of the 2nd week of classes. In this way, we can accommodate the needs of students with disabilities.

Grade Determination: Students' grades will be based on class work, class participation, demo lessons, quick writes, quizzes, and tests. Students' active participation and attendance 20% of their grade, quizzes 40%, demo lesson 10% and final exam 30%.

Grading scale:

95-100=A 90-94=A- 85-89=B 80-84=B- 75-79=C 70-4=C-
60-69=D 59 and below=F

Active Participation and Attendance 20%
Quizzes (20% each) 40%
Demo lesson 10%
Final Exam-Case Scenario 30%

Description | Objectives | Expectations | Grading | Readings (Required and day)| Availability

Required Readings:

  1. The Crosscultural, Language, and Academic Development Handbook by Lynne T.Diaz-Rico and Kathryn Z. Weed
  2. Methods of Second Language Acquisition - Teacher's Handbook

Description | Objectives | Expectations | Grading | Readings (Required and day)| Availability

Teacher Availability: I am available before and after class to meet with students who have questions or concerns or who need extra help. Also please feel free to e-mail me at or call me at 997-5698.

Description | Objectives | Expectations | Grading | Readings (Required and day)| Availability

Day Topic Readings

  1. Course Description and Requirements Teacher's Reader - Section 1
    Historical Perspectives The Crosscultural Language and Academic
    Dev. Handbook (TCLADH) pp. 54-69
  2. Language Structure and Use Teacher's Reader - Section 2
    TCLADH pp.144-170
  3. Bilingual Programs and Instructional Teacher's Reader - Section 3
    Approaches TCLADH pp. 71-112, Video: Schooling
  4. Language Minority Students
    Theories English Language Development Video: Krashen, Teacher' Reader Section 4
    TCLAH pp. 22-49
  5. Methods of English Language Development Teacher's Reader Section 5
    TCLAH pp. 5-19
  6. Theories and Methods for Instruction in and Quiz #1 (topics 1-5)
    through English Literacy Development Teacher's Reader Section 6
    TCLAH pp. 276-292
  7. Reading Instruction for Language Minority Video: Guided Reading
    Students TCLAH pp.114-142
  8. Teacher's Reader Section 7
    Literacy Strategies: Guided Reading, Shared Teacher's reader section 8
    Reading, and Read Aloud
  9. Lesson Design SDAIE Video: The Power of Sheltered Instruction
    Teacher's Reader Section 9
  10. Lesson Design Demo Lesson Due/Oral Presentations
    Teacher's Reader Section 10
  11. Lesson Design Oral Presentations
    Teacher's Reader Seciton 11
  12. State and Federal Mandates Teacher's Reader Section 12
    TCLAH pp. 191-209
  13. Role of Culture in the Classroom/Educational TCLAH pp. 176-190
    Teacher's Reader Section 13
    Quiz #2
  14. Assessment/Review Stopping Bias
  15. Review Notes and Readings for Final
  16. Final Group presentations/Case Scenario

Description | Objectives | Expectations | Grading | Readings (Required and day)| Availability

This page was created and is maintained by Marie A. Lopez at
Faculty of Bilingual Multicultural Education Department
College of Education