

"Elements of Culture"

Assessments & Team Activities

Practice Research

Practice Instructions Project

Extra Credit



EB = "Encyclopedia Britannica" (on-line)

PPT = "PowerPoint Slides" (click to view)

TRA = "Team Readiness Assessment"

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All readings in this schedule must be completed by the day under which they are listed. This requirement is assessed via TRAs, homework and End-of-Unit Challenges throughout the semester.

CAUTION: I reserve the right to make revisions to on-line materials prior to their discussion in class at the relevant point in the semester. Therefore WAIT until that time to print out scenarios and reading guides.

Assignment Cycle for All Two-Week Units

With the exception of the first and final weeks of class, the schedule for the semester follows the same two week cycle of assignments, as summarized below, with links to the introductory unit materials. Familiarizing yourself with this cycle will speed up the process of getting oriented to the course. Dates and topics for the specific units are listed on the schedule overview page and can be accessed via the links in the navigation bar on the left.

(chart <—> diagram)

Class Session Tasks Readings

1st Tuesday

Team Reading Assessment (TRA)
(individually & in teams)

overview of unit Scenario & Reading Guide

STUDY key concepts in overview readings for the TRA:

  • "Essential Elements of Culture" (in this course content site)
  • Carr, "Tools of the Mind" OR "The Deepening Page" (in SacCT)

    NOTE: the first three pages of each Reading Guide list questions and key words in these readings to study for the TRA.

BROWSE on-line links listed in this schedule regarding contemporary practices described in the unit Scenario

1st Thursday

Application Exercise (ApEx) Set

(*2 HOMEWORK PAGES REQUIRED* - use optional homework worksheet if helpful: PDF | MS Word)

LOCATE EXAMPLES from & BEGIN ANNOTATING the FIRST TWO historical records in the Course Reader (RDR) for the unit to address the Scenario homework prompt (see bottom third of page). Use the Reading Guide & EB links (see below) to get oriented to the reading.

VIEW links to images in schedule to inform your reading of the above sources.

2nd Tuesday

ApEx Set, continued

(*HOMEWORK PAGE REQUIRED* - use optional homework worksheet if helpful: PDF | MS Word)

LOCATE EXAMPLES from & BEGIN ANNOTATING the THIRD historical record in the Course Reader (RDR) for the unit to address the Scenario homework prompt (see bottom third of page). Use the Reading Guide & EB links (see below) to get oriented to the reading.

VIEW links to images in schedule to inform your reading of the above sources.

2nd Thursday

End-of-Unit Challenge

  • 10 multiple choice questions
  • culminating team activity

(only annotated historical records allowed for multiple choice)

FINISH ANNOTATING & REVIEW the above-mentioned historical records (guided by Reading Guide questions, terms & excerpts) to prepare for End-of-Unit Challenge.

IMPORTANT: annotations should include information about terms marked with asterisks (*) in the Reading Guide, which must be drawn from the **ONLINE** EB articles linked to this schedule. This information will be assessed in at least one of the multiple choice questions and will help inform better choices in the team activity.

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