About Inside PPA
Inside PPA
This internal sub-site collects forms and resources for current students, staff and faculty working in the Department of Public Policy & Administration at Sacramento State University.
If you are a prospective student looking for information about a PPA Graduate Program, visit our public-facing site located within the College Of Social Sciences & Interdisciplinary Studies.
Department Committees & Representatives
The Department uses a set of standing committees for making various decisions. For 2024-2025 academic year, the committees and their memberships are as follows.
- Faculty Senate Representative for 2024-2025: Amal Kumar, Shane Nordyke (alternate)
- Full-Time Faculty Appointments Committee: Rob Wassmer (Chair), Ahrum Chang, Amal Kumar, and Shane Nordyke
- Human Subjects Committee: Please contact the Research Integrity and Compliance Officer
- Part-Time Faculty Appointments Committee: Shane Nordyke (Chair); Ahrum Chang; Amal Kumar, Rob Wassmer
- Part-Time Faculty Evaluation Committee: Rob Wassmer; Ahrum Chang; Amal Kumar
- RTP Committee: Shane Nordyke (Chair), Ted Lascher, Rob Wassmer
Connect with Department of Public Policy & Administration
Find Us
Department of Public Policy & Administration
Downtown 304 S St. ,
Mon. – Fri. 9 a.m. – 6 p.m.,
Closed 12 noon – 1 p.m. for lunch
Contact Us
Phone: (916) 278-4742
Best Reached By Email